3 New Goals Added – November 22nd 2009 Lasher, November 22, 2009 New Goal – Dark Elf Stronghold: The Dark Elf Stronghold is the legendary headquarters of the dark elves. For centuries, the location of this wicked place remained a complete mystery. After all, what fool hunts out the stronghold of the most vile night creature in all the land? What could possibly motivate someone to seek out certain death from the flesh-eating, blood-drinking drow? The dark elves recently invaded the Dwarven Kingdom after their spies found a secret entrance inside the mines. With overwhelming numbers, they poured into the kingdom… slaughtering men, women and children. Luckily, the dwarven elite guard were able to rally the troops to beat back the drow and close off the entrance they came through. New Goal – The Great City of Knossos: A loud roar suddenly rips apart the dark and cold night air. You awake from your make shift bunker just in time to watch a young villager come running up to you with fear in his eyes. ‘HE FED MY BROTHER TO THE MINOTAUR!! HE HAS GONE MAD!’ is what the man screams at the top of his lungs at you. You ask calmly ‘Who has gone mad and what is a minotaur?’ The man eyes you suspiciously and suddenly stands up and tries to run away, but you are to fast for him. You grab him by the ankle and wrestle him down. Threatening him, you whisper ‘Tell me now! Or else’ The man only says 4 words, ‘Do not Trust Anyone’. The man finally breaks lose from you, and after hours of pondering to yourself, you finally pass out. New Goal – Cradlebrook: Cradled in the forested nooks and valleys of the northern mountains lies the Village of Cradlebrook. Far removed from the worries of the outside world, the village was a haven of tranquility and peace until it recently came under attack by bandits and brigands. The town is split physically by Last Mountain Creek, a fast-flowing waterway that provides the village-folk with fish and drink. Inside, the villagers practice their craft as they always have: Telsa the Weaver provides clothing; Martu the Baker provides unleavened bread and fresh pastries; and Ison provides the weapons and armour in the rare event of war. Quiet for thousands of years, the village has been rediscovered by trackers and wood-folk. Previously hidden by the thick yew-trees of the forest valleys, thin trails have been cut into the land, and the way to the village is open. MUD News
Raiding Practice / Test Clan Mazes May 23, 2015 Test Raiding / Test Clan Mazes: For the last couple of months, we have been working on some new raiding code to allow for multiple practice raids against the Wolf clan. This includes almost immediate raider flag pardons and a selection of mazes to choose from. Although the mechanics of… Read More
Instinct feature, MUD damage tracker, multi-command aliases. April 8, 2011 Instinct – Enhanced Training Levels in Skills/Spells: Several new features added in this latest update, the main feature being ‘instinct’. The short version is that instinct allows you to invest gold and trains into an ability to improve it beyond the normal 100% practiced. The full help file is at… Read More
Disenchant / Radiance Woods / Other Updates December 19, 2015 Disenchant Feature: Items that have solidify, illuminate or resonate cast on them after this reboot will have the stats the came from each enchant stored on the item. Using this data, there is a new ‘disenchant’ feature that allows you to remove a specific enchant on an item to try… Read More