Timeshifting and other updates – Jan 30th. Lasher, January 31, 2010 General Aardwolf changes this update: Main purpose of this reboot was to get code in to allow the imms to start setting materials in areas. You will start to notice ‘material’ appear in identify as these are set. A few changes other that did make it in though: The affect that Timeshifting has on the ‘timeshift’ dodge when used by Navigators has been removed. There is no longer a timeshift penalty when using the timeshifting spell. As a reminder, this spell basically gives the navigator and chance for lower lag time on any action that adds lag. Sounds like no big deal, but the outcome is they can sometimes cast more times per round of combat. The duration of the two hex spells has been increased slightly. The initial amount has also been increased with the amount of increase based on the caster’s int. Tidied up the ‘whois’ output a little to not be out of line when someone has more than a million qp earned or mobs killed. Fixed a bug in the strength affect on hitroll – when you went from 100 to 101 hitroll, HR would actually drop by 5. Affect of this is basically that all characters with more than 100 str now have 5 more hitroll. Fixed the output of temporary effects with a duration over 1 day in identify. You can no longer place ‘nosave’ items on the marketplace. Nobody could bid on them anyway, but might as well clean this up. Have made items won on the marketplace automatically be kept when transferred to you. Did the same with regular auction and rauction. Tempering should now improve. The ‘free’ identify will now show temporary effects on items. MUD News
Necromancer Guild quest, Astral Travels Quest, Other Updates May 13, 2010 New Goal – Necromancer’s Guild: There exists in the world a tiny village, so small its name is unknown to mostly all but the residents. Once prosperous and idyllic, the town became host to a guild of evil necromancers and was almost completely wiped out by decay, kidnapping, and even… Read More
OPK (Open PK) and other changes October 24, 2016 Open PK (OPK) feature added to Aardwolf: There is a new feature called ‘OPK’ which is an abbreviation of ‘open PK’. A player can flag ‘OPK’ at any time but, once set, cannot be removed for at least 3 days or until you remort. When the flag is manually removed,… Read More
Mud standards – telnet options – not a standard yet. July 12, 2010 It has been a couple of years now since we worked on handling data exchange between the MUD and client using telnet option negotiation. With hindsight, using telnet option 102 for this was probably a mistake as we have since learned that ATCP could have done the same thing, so… Read More