Extended Global Quests, Other Changes Lasher, November 4, 2012 Extended global quests: If a global quest is completed before 5 minutes have passed, and there is someone else still in the global quest, it will be extended by 3 more minutes to give people a chance to get a few extra qp mobs. Gquest info will show that the global quest is in extra time and start to show how long it has been in extra time for. It will actually finish on the first tick after exactly 3 minutes have passed. Finishing all the mobs in the gquest in extended time does not give you the gquest “win” rewards – just the gp from the mob kills. If all the remaining people in the GQ kill all the targets it will end immediately. A note is also posted to the gquest board with the status of the gquest at the time it was originally completed and, if there was extended time, the status at the true end. The number of each mob killed in the gquest is also included just for a little extra info. Example of Aardwolf Global Quest Note. Other changes in this reboot: ‘Gquest hist’ and ‘gq info’ after the gquest have finished will both now show the time to finish / expire in real time rather than rounded up to minutes. The regular time between global quests has been reduced by 2 minutes. Should all even out overall, if not we’ll adjust as necessary. Prompt variable %E will show your current level. No spaces or colors around it, so add your own as necessary. Ability to create socials is re-enabled. Social editor was the cause for our crash last week so I kept it disabled pending fix. Renamed the runto keyword for the arena in Aylor from ‘thearena’ to ‘aylorarena’. Reason being that ‘run the [whatever]’ was taking new players to the area and getting them stuck in the quicksand. GMCP group status will now be reset when you first log in and after an ice age. Fixed the ‘missing syntax’ message when giving invalid options to the ‘goals’ command. Fixed a buggy message with a failed stun – the target now does actually sneak in an extra weak attack against the player. Using tempering on arrows was not using the extended ore duration for higher quality ore. Now fixed. MUD News
The Legend of the Inferno October 27, 2009October 27, 2009 In the beginning – before the elements coalesced, before the land had protruded from the seas – the core of our very world was in turmoil. Creatures of magic battled for control of the infant world, causing wars across the realms. Eventually, two factions rose up against each other, splitting… Read More
Disenchant / Radiance Woods / Other Updates December 19, 2015 Disenchant Feature: Items that have solidify, illuminate or resonate cast on them after this reboot will have the stats the came from each enchant stored on the item. Using this data, there is a new ‘disenchant’ feature that allows you to remove a specific enchant on an item to try… Read More
Winds of Fate Epic Area, other changes. November 17, 2017 Winds of Fate Epic Area: What are the winds of fate? Is it a flutter of air that passes over your brow that sends a shiver down your spine? Is it a smell of something fresh, anew, like freshly baked bread, or a warm apple pie? Or is it something… Read More