Mage,Psi,Cleric Spell Upgrades and Other Updates Lasher, June 15, 2013 Spell Uprades across all guilds: A while ago the damage multiplier on some top end spells was increased but the max never was. Depending on your stats relative to your targets this meant that you started to see little difference in damage after 450 or so in stats, particularly at higher tiers. This has been resolved now. This same issue actually applied on how much stats helped the victim resist damage too, so depending on your stats, tier, target you might actually see a slight decrease in damage in the mid-stat ranges but this is temporary as you increase stats. Our own tests show a significant increase to most spells at the top end of tiers. This fix has been made in: Immolate, Spear of Odinn, Necrocide, Desolation, Eruption, Voice of God, Ice Daggers, Finger of Death, Earthen Hammer. Heavenly Balance was *not* affected by this artifical max so is not on the list. The Spells probably the most boosted by all this were Desolation, Voice of God and Finger of Death. Voice of God also got a minor increase in its base damage. Continued improvement on lower level spells: The max damage caps have been removed from some of the lower end spells meaning they will continue to improve as your stats do. Also added a tier bonus to them as this was only previously done to the higher end spells. Their multipliers are still lower than higher end spells so it doesn’t make those spells useful, but the continued improvement is a better system overall. The spells modified so far are: Mage : Magic Missile, Chill Touch, Burning Hands, Rune of Ix, Banshee wail, Shocking Grasp, Color Spray, Prismatic Spray, Fireball. Cleric: Cause Light, Soulburn, Holy Rain, Cause Serious, Minor Swarm, White Flame. Psi : Ballistic Attack, Mind Thrust, Psychic Drain, Agitation, Inflict Pain, Telekinesis, Soften, Mind Freeze, Control Flames. Not done with this, these are just the spells modified so far. Other Spell Changes / Game Updates this reboot: In addition to above, there is a game-wide max on *all* damage that was never tweaked for instinct. T9 max stat casting immolate was hitting this damage cap with instinct, essentially making it so that instinct had no use after 50-60 points. This is not resolved. Would have applied to other spells too but is a single global fix. Eruption and Heavenly Balance now both have a tier based bonus. It is lower than bonus that mage/cleric/psi got to their spells but will still be a noticeable difference at higher tiers. Mana cost of zombify has been reduced from 50 to 20. Mobs should no longer repop into the ‘witch’ subclass. Wither is now a ‘nofail’ spell that has a chance to also reduce strength when cast for primary class mage only. At higher stats the effect is higher, based on the new approach to saves (help newsaves). The damage itself has also been increased and has a tier bonus. Haste and Lightspeed now show separately in ‘dtrack hits’. Mostly for ome tracking I’m doing of my own but figured it might be useful. MUD News
Blood Opal of Rauko’ra, Sanguine Tavern, Other changes. January 24, 2013 New Area Conversion – Blood Opal of Rauko’ra: A small team of adventurers has followed a trail of clues seeking a treasure of antiquity – the Blood Opal of Banderios. It is said that the opal was stolen many eons ago by the vampire king, Rauko’ra the Thirsty and is… Read More
Umari’s Castle, Atlantis, Shadows of Minos, Slaughter House March 26, 2010 New Area and Goal – Umari’s Castle: High in the mountains sits a castle. It is here that the wizard Umari studies and works his magic. Oh, he has no need for company, for the griffons he so loves wander about his castle. Yet, he has found them far too… Read More
Hammerswing, new goals, metarank, faster spellups. September 17, 2014 Blacksmith Skill – Hammerswing: There is a new Blacksmith ability called Hammerswing that will attack like an area attack then automatically hit each target the Blacksmith is fighting each round of combat. The hits are considered a skill rather than melee hits so most dodges do not apply. Damage on… Read More