Ocean Park, Infamy, New Commands, T9 changes Lasher, April 19, 2015 New Area and Goal – Ocean Adventure Park: Andolor’s Ocean Adventure Park is the perfect place to spend a day of fun in the sun with the entire family! Whitewater kayaking, dragon tours, and daily stage performances are just a few of the fun events you might enjoy while visiting the park. Be careful to not wander into the offstage section of the Coral Reef Auditorium while you visit the park! For some reason, folks who head down there go missing. Only one individual has ever been known to return, and he spoke some crazed nonsense about a circus tent deep, deep, down in the bottom of the ocean. Apparently he found merfolk there, and they were in need of his help…. Level Range : 200 to 201 Goal Difficulty : Medium Goal Recommended at : Level 201 Goal Converter : Guinness Area Author : Guinness New Goal – The Realm of Infamy There are many kinds of evil in the world. There are the trivial evil of those who take their pleasure from observing the sorrow of others, the greater evil of those who take their pleasure bringing sorrow to others, and the extraordinary evil of those who take their pleasure raining sorrow down on multitudes. These are the infamous creatures, male and female, who exceed all others in their ability to cause pain and suffering. Although Hell is reserved for the lesser evil doers, the Realm of Infamy is home to those who achieved greatness in the performance their evil ways. An unfamiliar face has been spotted lurking in the shadows, searching for a way to return to her sister. While trapped in the realm, she has uncovered a plot: one of the villains is conspiring to break out, intending to cause anarchy and destruction once again. She sends word to Gabryl, who is waiting near the entrance of Infamy, that she can stop the villain with assistance and implores her to send help. Level Range : 200-201 Goal Difficulty : Medium Goal Recommended at : Level 201 Goal Converter : Shaelynne Area Author : Lumina & Rok Other Game Changes this Update: When a t9 on a redo remorts, skills practiced will no longer be reset. They’re still reset when you enter the redo, but not each remort within it. The number of targets on a typical campaign while doing a T9 redo will now be the same as any other level range. You can now ‘clist pk’ and ‘clist nopk’ to filter the clan list. Just something I added quickly to help with the raiding work we are doing on test port, but no harm adding it here either. Per the note yesterday, raiding is now currently disabled while we work through some changes related to test mazes. Should be a few weeks worst case. If you login and your spouse has been archived you will be automatically divorced with no remarry timer. You will also receive a note explaining what happened. There is a new friend command option – ‘friend compare [player]’ will show the friends you both have in common. It can only be used on a player who is your friend. It’s not perfect because if I have Razor friended but Razor never friended me back, it is still going to show on our mutual friend list. Looking up every single player to confirm the friendship is two-way is too much overhead. Just intended to be a useful little command to give a rough idea, nothing more. The clan rosters are now fully rebuilt and should be accurate as of the time of this note. The only change is that I have dropped the ‘superhero’ roster. There is now a ‘who pk’ option. Surprised we never had this before, I must have had some reason against it I no longer remember. Reserving the right to remove it if my memory improves. Using ‘quit check’ will now show the short form of object flags (such as keep flags) on the items that you can’t save with. A few of the public boards require you to gain some number of levels before you can post. This really only exists to prevent spammers from creating new chars and immediately spamming boards. I have changed it so that level 1 characters with at least 100 hours online can now post on general, ideas and similar public boards. Nobody is going to idle for 100 hours to be able to spam when gaining a few levels really really only takes minutes if you know the MUD. When using ‘lbid 12345 history’ you can now also use ‘-h’ in place of ‘history’. Improvement on Battle Learning will now be checked on each level or powerup regardless of whether it actually kicked in that level which should smooth out the increases. The double increases are gone and this also fixes a bug where it was possible to “double level” by increasing Battle Learning with very low TNL. Have changed the clanskill messages to show ‘clan skill fee’ ratherthan ‘tax’ because it technically is not a clan tax and does not count towards your total taxed. GMCP room information will now be sent before the regular text rather than after it. This is important for handling the way some rooms instantly transfer you in the Mushclient mapper. MUD News
An Auspicious Star’s Zenith area and new goal in Sanctity of Eternal Damnation. February 17, 2024 New Superhero Area – An Auspicious Star’s Zenith: Note: You can only enter this area if you have less than 25,000 powerups total. Innocent souls have been ensnared within this mystical realm by mischievous faeries. Trapped within the bodies of birds, their untapped potentials are being held captive by the… Read More
Aardwolf Mud Client – New version of Mushclient in test. December 1, 2010December 18, 2010 Aardwolf MUD clients – New version of Mushclient in test It’s been a long time since the Aardwolf Mushclient package was updated and we now have a new version available for test. This version makes extensive use of Miniwindows and GMCP. It also uses the GMCP mapper and the map… Read More
Hammerswing, new goals, metarank, faster spellups. September 17, 2014 Blacksmith Skill – Hammerswing: There is a new Blacksmith ability called Hammerswing that will attack like an area attack then automatically hit each target the Blacksmith is fighting each round of combat. The hits are considered a skill rather than melee hits so most dodges do not apply. Damage on… Read More