Game Update – Sept 11th 2016 Lasher, September 11, 2016 Game updates made on 11th September 2016: Double experience from someone doing superhero loud is now 15 minutes rather than 10 minutes. There is no longer a minimum level 15 requirement to join a clan. The original reason for this many years ago was to stop “casual alts” from stacking up the numbers but level 15 is just a matter or minutes for anyone who knows the game well and the rule keeps out longer term characters chose to stay low level for whatever reason. Two changes to quest timers – when you fail a quest because you run out of time, you can immediately quest again. As Tyebald mentioned, you’ve already waited more than 30 minutes now that quest durations are longer. If you “fail” a quest because you accidentally quit / get disconnected then it will be considered a regular 15 minute quest fail rather than adding a full 30 minutes. When you use a staff, you will only hit targets that are directly in combat with you (you are hitting them or they are hitting you), or valid targets not fighting anyone. The lag on staffs is back to the normal one combat round. The reason lag was increased on staffs originally was massive damage being done in large groups with everyone using staffs and, in large groups, getting hundreds of spells cast per round. This change fixes that without the penalty for solo users and smaller groups that the increased lag created. Advance Warning: This same change is going to be made to Hammerswing once it is tested out live. Fixed a bunch of typos previously reported. Not going to list every one but if you posted something that never got addressed it was missed. Fixed a bug in ‘quit check’ causing color bleed on some nosave magic items. Help search and showing helps that don’t display a header will now show tags when ‘help tags’ are on. Wimpy is no longer reset when you remort / retier if you didn’t actually have a wimpy value set. The skills Poultice, Lay Hands and Treat Wounds will now show the amount healed if you don’t have ‘nohealamt’ config option on. (Redryn) Lay hands also now has a message when you are already fully healed. MUD News
Mud Update March 31st 2018 September 2, 2018 MUD Update – March 31st 2018: The main reason for the reboot today was to merge Dominion into Retribution. A few other minor changes that made it in with the reboot but nothing really that important: The bug with OPK flag sometimes getting confused with the Augmented healing recovery should… Read More
Living Mines of Dak’Tai, The Gathering Horde , Other Changes. February 15, 2010 New Area and Goal – The Living Mines of Dak’tai: To the far north, beyond the vast Hathzor Plains and the terrible Great Desert, lies a remote ogre village. The ‘Tai tribe are fearsome warriors who have grown rich trading the resources buried in the mountains their home is nestled… Read More
T9 redo cost change, timeshifting upgrade, other changes. November 3, 2013 Game updates in this reboot: The ‘eqsearch’ command will no longer hide an item if you cannot see it. It will now display with (Invis) next to the name. The ‘Arcane Source’ item will now always add damroll when solidifying, there is no way to use this item to add… Read More