Mud Update March 31st 2018 Lasher, September 2, 2018 MUD Update – March 31st 2018: The main reason for the reboot today was to merge Dominion into Retribution. A few other minor changes that made it in with the reboot but nothing really that important: The bug with OPK flag sometimes getting confused with the Augmented healing recovery should now be fixed. I have changed the delay on being able to remove the flag after you add it from 3 days to 12 hours, and, changed the delay on being able to add the flag back after you remove it from 24 hours to 3 days. The goal is to have the same overall timeout but give a people who try out OPK and get “griefed” a chance to get out of it sooner. This is instead of having limits on how often someone can be PKed hard-coded into the game. Might be some helpfiles that need cleaning up but otherwise have removed references to “nobles” from the game, including messages when someone reaches level 100, gamestat, who, etc. Using ‘runto kflag’ in Aylor now works as an alias to go to the Aylor forge. The GMCP ‘base’ set of data now has a list of your remorts in the order they were gained. The values are numbers that correspond to the order of classes in ‘showskill’, so 0 = mage through 6 = psi. Some redundancy here with ‘class’ and ‘remorts’ but I didn’t want to change those and break existing plugins. Cleaned up the ouput of ‘deposit’ and ‘withdraw’ with no arguments to be a little more helpful. MUD News
New Elementalist Spells, multiple other changes. November 21, 2010 Elementalist Spells: Three new elementalist spells were added this reboot: Earthen Hammer Air Skewer Ice Daggers Each of these is a higher level attack spell doing the damage type implied by the spell name. Other Changes: Couple of other changes that made it into this update: Each clan can now… Read More
New Skills/Spells for Witch and Blacksmith classes January 27, 2010 Blacksmith Skill- Tempering: A skilled blacksmith can use raw materials at a forge to temporarily increase the abilities of any metal-based weapon. The results of tempering a weapon will depend on the skill of the blacksmith, the quality of the weapon and the ore used. Only the most skilled blacksmith… Read More
T9 Redo, Skill Changes, Who Redo, other May 3, 2015 Wasn’t planning to reboot this weekend but will probably not be available next weekend and I wanted to get the T9 TNL change live in particular. We’re about to open up the ‘test raid’ changes on the test port so testers keep a look out for that note. The t9… Read More