Ranger / Shaman Changes. Lasher, August 15, 2020 New Ranger Spell – Gaias Totem: There is a new spell called ‘Gaias Totem’ that allows a Shaman to summon a totem into the room. There’s quite a lot to this spell so lots of detail below. There are three types of totem: Ent : Reduces damage taken when you have a totem in the area. Bear : Increases damage inflicted when you have a totem in the area. Owl : Increases exp when you have a totem in the area. Any group members (in level range) with you in the same room (as you) also get some benefit from the totem but half as much. Multiple totems of the same kind do not stack, but three shamans in the group each with a different totem in the area will add all three benefits. If both you and a group member have the same totem in an area, yours will take priority so you get the higher bonus. You cannot leave a totem in a clanroom or combat maze. You can use the new ‘totems’ command to see if you have a totem in the game, where it is, and how long until it expires – although it doesn’t actually go away until the first tick after it expires. Totems are “kind of” mobs and can be attacked by anyone who can attack you, but it is based on if they could kill *you* at that point in time. So if you’re not OPK and not in a PK room, your totem can’t be PKed even if it is, and vice versa. Aggro mobs will not attack totems and they are not a valid target for transportation spells. Your totem will not join a fight if someone attacks you, but if your attacker uses an area spell they will hit the totem and pull it into the fight. If a totem in another room kills someone, it does not count as a PK for you. The duration of a totem will increase with stats and the recovery is always 2 minutes longer than the duration. This means that the percentage of uptime will go up as your character grows but will never quite reach 100%. Temporary situation – when you gain extra exp because of an owl totem, you are not going to see it in the exp message – it is just part of the first number. There’s too many numbers in there already and I don’t want to add one more. Next reboot will have a way to see the breakdown of each kill in your history and simplified exp messages. Other Ranger Related Changes: The Ranger ‘Gaias Revenge’ spell no longer has a recovery. Your ‘affects’ might still show one until it wears off but casting it next time won’t add a recovery. (Just about every Ranger ever). Gaias Revenge now has an additional random damage type – Electric. (Quadrapus / Ilbrost). Gaias Focus has also been modified to allow this to be selected. The ‘Energy Ball’ spell is now level 36. (Viar) The ‘Call Lightning’ spell no longer requires you to be outside to use it, but will do less damage indoors. ‘Rainbow’ also no longer needs you to be outside, but no difference in damage on this one. (Viar) Significantly lowered the recovery on the ‘Summon Life’ spell that resets an area. Crafters now have a chance to roll bonus stats on skinned equipment. Chances of getting anything are about the same as regular game load. The odds of getting the much higher bonusloot items are lower because this gives you basically unlimited tries, but still very doable over time. MUD News
Auctioneer Wish, Sense Age spell, Exp changes. March 12, 2014 New Wish – Auctioneer: There is new wish called ‘auctioneer’ will allow you to auction 3 items at once. It costs 5k so is definitely a luxury, but has no adjustment cost. Max total items that can be on auction at once has been increased to 50. Experience change for… Read More
Aardwolf Mushclient R1040 now released. June 15, 2011June 15, 2011 A new version of the Aardwolf version of Mushclient managed by Fiendish has been uploaded to Aardwolf.com. There are many enhancements in this upgrade. We recommend reading the Aardwolf Mud client release notes for full details. A summary of the most important changes is below: A revamped bigmap plugin that… Read More
Raiding timeout changes, soldier perk, other MUD updates. July 16, 2010 Clan Raiding – Defender Timeout Change: The idea of a timeout for outside defenders during a raid, combined with a max of 5 outside defenders in the maze at a time, has never quite worked correctly. The timer is on each individial player so there is nothing to prevent a… Read More