Location: Home / Play Aardwolf / Aardwolf Mud Client History
r1040 snapshot:
- bug fix: the gmcp mapper merged bigmap can now be resized so you don't have to enter an area to resize the miniwindow
- misc change: the info bar will now be hidden by default
- misc change: the background texture (behind all miniwindows) is now brighter
- new feature: the input area will now resize automatically as needed
- new feature: the chat capture window now has actionable hyperlinks for urls
r1026 snapshot:
- new feature/bug fix: updated to MUSHclient 4.75
- bug fix: main output position and size settings should save instantly now
- bug fix: the bigmap should be less ugly now from aliasing artifacts when smaller than the ideal size
- misc change: the z order right-click menu is accessible on the entire gmcp mapper background now
- bug fix: group monitor gauge IDs are unique per player
- bug fix: group monitor gauge hotspots should now clear out when leaving a group
- misc change: default state files are updated so that the main output area has enough space to show the login banner
- misc change: the new player greeting now shows a link to the online guide
r996 snapshot:
- misc change: the gmcp handler will now also report package version to the MUD
r992 snapshot:
- bug fix: the gmcp mapper's 'mapper areas' will no longer show prepopulated area names that don't actually have any explored rooms in them
- bug fix: the gmcp mapper will check first that the relevant tables exist in a _bookmarks.db file before trying to merge them
r990 snapshot:
- bug fix: removing the timestamps plugin will now deactivate the timestamps
- misc change: the gmcp mapper now only uses one database file. if it ever finds a *_bookmarks.db file, it will merge that into the main db file and then delete it.
- new feature: the database integrity check will also happen at startup now
- misc change: (for scripters) the recommended use pattern for the z-order monitor has been simplified
- bug fix: expanding the input bar to completely cover the main output will no longer cause an error
- new feature: the gmcp mapper now does uncompressed backups by default which are much faster but take up more space
- new feature: there are now 'mapper backups compressed' and 'mapper backups uncompressed' commands to toggle backup compression
- bug fix: statmon and health bar updating made slightly more efficient
r956 snapshot:
- misc change: 'bigmap update' will now typically happen automatically
- misc change: setting mapper portal levels should be less of a hassle now
- misc change: it should no longer be possible to remove or disable these very important plugins: z-order monitor, repaint buffer, and gmcp handler
r947 snapshot:
- bug fix: gmcp mapper target/targets typo fixed on find results
- bug fix: clicking rooms in the gmcp mapper window will now use the same pathfinding as everything else
- misc change: removed some obsolete code from the gmcp mapper
- misc change: update the luajit dll to beta7
- bug fix: empty mapper databases will get proper sector colors now when rooms are added
r936 snapshot:
- bug fix: included miniwindow plugins should now remember if you disabled them last time
- new feature: there are now two aliases included in the world file by default for creating simple aliases and triggers from the command line. see: https://code.google.com/p/aardwolfclientpackage/wiki/CommandLineAliasesAndTriggers
- misc change: added a new AardMUSH_README.html file in the MUSHclient directory that links directly to the online guide
- bug fix: make sure the gmcp mapper database gets opened upon enabling and not just upon loading the plugin
- bug fix: the ascii map tags will now get toggled on/off properly when enabling/disabling the plugin
- bug fix: fixed line endings in the AardwolfPackageChanges.txt file
r812 snapshot:
- bug fix: don't crash the gmcp mapper plugin if for some reason the backup command isn't running
r810 snapshot:
- bug fix: mapper goto won't allow negative input anymore
- bug fix: having bigmap off and bigmap merged and then restarting the gmcp mapper will no longer make the gmcp mapper not update
- misc change: the world file now has a beep sound set by default
r800 snapshot:
- bug fix: loading the gmcp mapper after the bigmap plugin is already loaded should no longer turn bigmap off
- new feature: z-ordering functionality added to the bigmap display as well
- bug fix: the bigmap view should now be draggable when merged with the gmcp mapper
- bug fix: the bigmap on/off choice should now persist across sessions
- bug fix: the bigmap update messages will only show now when actually updating
- misc change: the package update checker dialogs are now read-only.
- new feature: gmcp mapper plugin should now start up much faster after the first time
- bug fix: closing mushclient without saving the world settings after answering "yes" to the question about using the update checker plugin will let you see the question again next time.
- misc change: the annoying output line information popup bubbles are disabled by default in the world file
- new feature: can now set 2 health percent thresholds for changing the color of the HP bars in the group monitor. this makes it easier to spot when groupie health has dropped
- bug fix/new feature: the main output layout plugin is now compatible with not having MUSHclient in full-screen mode
- new feature: added an option to the group monitor to hide all others to complement the one to show all others
r780 snapshot:
- new feature: 'Send To Back' option for z ordering to complement Bring To Front
- new feature: the gmcp mapper now has a right-click menu (on the drag bar) for z ordering
- misc change: complete z ordering re-write. now uses the WindowSetZOrder feature added in MUSHclient 4.73
- misc change: stats monitor window can be resized smaller
r769 snapshot:
- new feature: 'checkversion' command displays the current package version
- new feature: group monitor can show gauges as flat bars instead of shaded
- new feature: group monitor can overlay hp/mn/mv numbers on top of the bars instead of taking up space on the side
- new feature: health bars can show gauges as flat bars instead of shaded
- new feature: health bars can overlay hp/mn/mv/tnl/enemy numbers on top of the bars
- new feature: group monitor now has the ability to selectively hide group members. useful for those very large chat groups where not everyone is active.
r758 snapshot:
- new feature: updated to MUSHclient 4.73
- bug fix: (I really sincerely hope) os.execute in Windows is now the bane of my existence. I hope that gmcp mapper database backups are working properly now for everyone.
- new feature: prompt on first run to add the update checker plugin
r745 snapshot:
- new feature: there's a new plugin that automatically checks for snapshot updates on the Github site. This is NOT currently loaded by default.
- misc change: added z-order plugin to the default plugin list
- new feature: (for developers) there is some new functionality in aardwolf_colours.lua
- bug fix: os.execute calls that fail in the gmcp mapper backups will now display errors
- bug fix: removing the aardwolf main layout plugin will now reset the main output to fill the entire window instead of leaving behind a TextRectangle remnant
r651 snapshot:
- bug fix: gmcp mapper where would cause an error
- bug fix: gmcp mapper thisroom when there was no current room data yet would cause an error
r649 snapshot:
- new feature: ASCII map, stats window, channel capture, health bars, and group monitor plugins now have dynamic z-ordering via the "bring to front" menu option
- new feature: stats window now includes trains and practices
- new feature: gmcp mapper find/area results will now display the search terms
r625 snapshot:
- misc change: default numpad macros should now make more sense
r564 snapshot:
- misc change: update a couple default state files
- new feature: activating the INFO: capture in the channel capture plugin will now also capture RAIDINFO and CLANINFO.
(Big number jumps between snapshots with few changes above here are because of creating the online user guide)
r449 snapshot:
- bug fix: gmcp mapper backups were apparently broken if the path had spaces in it
- bug fix: gmcp mapper backups on/off preference should now persist across sessions
- bug fix: some of the helper aliases for reloading would fail if the plugin wasn't already loaded, because the file names had changed
- misc change: update the new connection dialog to tell people to contact me if they find bugs
r443 snapshot:
- bug fix: the change for color 16 in r431 was wrong
r441 snapshot:
- new feature: add Bast's showxterm alias to aard_helper_aliases
- bug fix: add support for xterm color 244. I don't remember the reason for not including it originally.
r438 snapshot:
- new feature: health bars now have a "text mode" right-click option for a more prompt-like display
- bug fix: various plugins that didn't hide their window graphic upon removal should now do so and will no longer require disabling first
- misc change: saving the world should force the gmcp mapper database to save as well (though this won't produce a backup. for that you need to use the mapper backup commands.)
r431 snapshot:
- new feature: add new right-click config options for hiding information from the group monitor plugin
- bug fix: fix minor bug displaying the @x16 xterm color
r426 snapshot:
- bug fix: aardmapper.lua should no longer choke in find when trying to use walk on unfound paths
- new feature: mapper find/area/list will now do more exact room searches if the player wraps the room names in quotation marks (still not case sensitive for now)
r423 snapshot:
- new feature: the stats window can now display stats as a single vertical column
r421 snapshot:
- misc change: change list reflects official release dates so far
- bug fix: fixed bad treatment introduced in r417 of spaces in world names when creating gmcp database
r418 snapshot:
- bug fix: sanitize gmcp map database names before creation
r414 snapshot:
- new feature: gmcp mapper paths should now work if the player changes the command stack character
- new feature: bigmap miniwindow display is /finally/ now included in the package with the special ability to merge into the gmcp mapper window (can be pulled into its own window with 'bigmap unmerge')
r397 snapshot
- the channel capture window can now handle forced newlines like the ones in the flickoff social
- added xterm 256 color support
r390 snapshot
- players should now be able to reliably open doors with cexits in the gmcp mapper, because if a cexit exists between two rooms then it should now always get used instead of the normal exit
r386 snapshot
- cleanup mapper help
- add 'mapper addnote' command to the gmcp mapper to add notes to rooms without mouse clicking
- add 'mapper thisroom' command to the gmcp mapper to get information about the current room
r381 snapshot
- fix a bug where the automatic backup countdown timer was getting reset
- enable automatic walking to the shortest discovered path in the aardmapper find code
r378 snapshot
- when copying text segments in the channel capture window, only put line breaks between complete chat messages.
- make 'mapper purgezone' in the gmcp mapper a bit more user-friendly
- make 'mapper purgezone' in the gmcp mapper also delete the areas table entry for the purged area
- add a pair of 'mapper areas' commands to the gmcp mapper for finding area keywords
r375 snapshot
- add a getkeyword function callable by other plugins to the gmcp mapper that returns the keyword of one or more matching areas when passed a name substring
- add rolling automatic backups of the gmcp mapper database files. If left on and running forever, the rollover schedule approximately follows the pattern: today, yesterday, last week, last month, 3 months ago.
r373 snapshot
- fixed an error when selecting inside the text area of an empty chat window
- fix how selecting off the end of the chat window works
r371 snapshot
- selecting text in the channel capture window will now make the window scroll appropriately when dragging higher or lower than the window top and bottom respectively.
- mapper purgezone shouldn't require quitting and restarting mushclient anymore
- mapper pathfinding now indicates the status of the search better
r366 snapshot
- add the ability to not capture mob speech to the channel capture window
- add tick marks at good/neutral/evil alignment boundaries in the health bars plugin
- fix a right-click option bug accidentally introduced in the last update to the channel capture plugin
r363 snapshot
- added new text selection routines for the channel capture window. You can now select arbitrary text inside the window and then copy with the right-click menu, instead of clicking on whole individual messages.
- fix bug in stylestocolours that stopped it from working with startcols other than 1
- modified the status message in mapper find to try and clear up some player confusion
r359 snapshot
- purging all custom exits and portal exits now requires confirmation
- added manual mapper database backup command with zip compressed rotating backup storage
- fix a bug in channel capture that lost lines with hidden garbage/fake color codes
- fix a bug in the mapper preventing finding rooms with oddly colored names
- fix a bug in the mapper that blocked sending two identical custom exit commands in a row
- various other tweaks
r342 snapshot
- fix a bug on saving rooms when using the mapper without a pre-initialized database
r340 snapshot
- fixed color selection (crash) bug in the group monitor plugin
- fixed a typo in the group monitor empty group message
- default to show self in group on first load of the group monitor
r336 snapshot (Feb 2011 release):
- updated to MUSHclient 4.72
- added clickable links to mapper portals list
- updated mapper find display
- fixed a bug when defining custom mapper exits sometimes
r326 snapshot:
- added a way to put minimum level locks on portals
- various help/output tweaks
r315 snapshot:
- fixed use of the gray color code in the channel capture window
- disallow setting cexits and portals to/from rooms with uid -1 ("unmappable")
- new pathfinding algorithm in the gmcp mapper. pathfinding will now go through handheld portals and other from-anywhere commands.
- removed the worthless mapper areas command
- new findpath command in the gmcp mapper that finds the path between any two room uids.
- added visual indication of room notes in the gmcp mapper
r300 snapshot:
- by default load the group monitor and disable autosay
- new handheld portal functions in the gmcp mapper (not yet used for searching)
- new custom room exit functions in the gmcp mapper
- new unmapped exits function in the gmcp mapper
- prevent room.wrongdir from erroneously clearing stored room data in the gmcp handler
- gmcp mapper find functions should now work on all room names
- new option for disabling area background textures in the gmcp mapper
- new option to reverse the growth of the TNL bar in the status bars
- new "Show Help" option in the group monitor
- various other tweaks and bug fixes and other cleanup
r275 snapshot:
- new group monitor plugin
- gmcpdebug state saved across reloads
- new gmcp mapper function "mapper list " quickly lists matching rooms regardless of search depth. Does not do path discovery.
- fix duplicate entries in exits table in mapper databaes
- re-map rooms that have changed exits
- option to not capture clan donation messages in the channel capture window, for those in spammy clans
- properly toggle required tags for the ascii map on connect
- various cleanup and other tweaks
Official Release Snapshot (r236):
- update MUSHclient from 4.70 to 4.71
- menu selections now use proper checkmarks
- re-map rooms that have changed detail information (pk, shop, bank, graffiti, etc)
- add tick timer plugin
- add logging to file for the channel capture plugin
- fix major bug in capturing room information for the mapper. should now actually see details like pk/shop/bank/etc.
- made special room types in the gmcp mapper more meaningful for Aardwolf
- fix gmcp mapper room display bug where newly mapped rooms had no color at all
- add alignment to the health bars
- add options for capturing non-channel info outputs INFO/Global Quest/Remort Auction
- add saves to statmon plugin
- various cleanup and other tweaks