Aardwolf Blog Introduction Lasher, June 20, 2008June 22, 2008 So why, after all these years, an Aardwolf blog? Several reasons. There is a huge amount of activity taking place building out the MUD right now. A lot of this activity is not worth announcing until finalized, but many people are interested in what we’re up to. A blog will be the perfect place to talk about that. Having a blog will also allow us to cover a level of detail on changes and the reasons behind them that would not be appropriate for the announcement board. Finally, reposting announcements to the blog will allow people to subscribe via RSS to see what is changing in the MUD. The design needs a lot of work at the moment, but as you can see, will basically be the same style as the Aardwolf web page. I decided to require user registration before comments can be posted. There is no value to anyone if I spend half my life tracking down spam rather than working on the MUD. Well, that’s about it. Comments welcome. Good idea? Bad idea? MUD News game blogMud blognew blogsnew game blognew rpg blogrpg blog
Subclass changes, Paradise Lost Goal, others. September 9, 2023September 9, 2023 Another reboot with lots of updates, most of these are related to subclass changes and, in most cases, these are buffs: Subclass Changes: The effectiveness of Enhanced Damage on melee attacks has been increased fairly significantly for warriors and a smaller amount for thieves, rangers and paladins. The increase is… Read More
New Automated Reboots / Ice Age, Other Changes. April 21, 2024April 21, 2024 Race Change Timer / Group Fix: Just a few updates from the reboot last week: The timer for ‘race change’ is now three days. Please note that this change is temporary while we are working on races and will not apply to any timers already in place. Fixed the ‘group’… Read More
Race Rewrite – Individual Race Changes June 22, 2024 Centaur: Centaur is designed to be a decent all-round race with no negatives and has the following bonuses: 3% bonus to weapon, skill and spell attack. 3% physical and magic resistance, except: 15% electric resistance, 15% disease vulnerability. 10% moves bonus. Kick has no lag but has a small recovery…. Read More