More goals, runto and runprefix commands – Aug 2nd. Lasher, August 2, 2008 Two new commands related to speedwalks were added to the MUD this morning: Runto Command: The runto command provides basic speedwalk capability using the directions listed in the ‘speedwalks’ command. When standing at the Aylor recall, typing ‘runto [area keyword]’ will execute the speedwalk to that area. From anywhere in an area that has find locations, ‘runto [find location]’ will execute the speedwalk to that location. For example, from anywhere in Aylor you can type ‘runto bank’ to go directly to the bank. As some find locations and area names/keywords overlap, the order of priority when using runto is: – exact match on area keyword – exact match on find location in current area – partial match on area name/keyword – abbreviation of find location in current area. To see a list of speedwalks with keywords use ‘speedwalks keywords’ To see a list of find locations in your area, use ‘find all’ Runprefix Command: The runprefix command is used with runto to add default start commands before a ‘runto’ to an area is executed. For example, if your default recall is a private manor and the path from your manor to Aylor recall is west then north, you could use: runprefix run wn This would mean that runto now works from your manor. If you use an aard amulet with serial number 123456, you could make your runprefix: runprefix hold (123456;enter Because some clients will interpret the semicolon character themselves, you can also use a comma or tilde (~) in a run prefix and they will be converted to semi-colons. 5 new goals were added: Sundered Vale: An aid worker has traveled from Aylor to the Vale to help out. Unfortunately, she doesn’t seem to be able to find her way through the destruction. Travel to the Sundered Vale and see if you can help. Arisian Realm: The city of Arisia has long prospered under the aegis of the Goddess, and her whims have steered the leaders of this fair city for centuries. Not so many years ago, Arisia rose up in war against her sister city, Eddore, in retaliation for offenses against the Goddess. Now once again, the Goddess is displeased, and it’s up to a bold adventurer to find and solve the problem. Find your way to her sacred Sphere, and speak to the Crystal Dolphin who contains her power. Unearthly Bonds: The realm of Unearthly Bonds is a Guild where humans and dragons join together in lifelong partnership. The Guild House is spread over a large area containing a pristine lake, meadows, classrooms, and pavilions. However, as with any place, a criminal element has taken root underground. Criminals venture forth, and now a necklace has gone missing. Should you choose to help, you will be deputized to find and return the stolen necklace. Drageran Empire: Welcome to the Empire. The land lives in a careful balance between peace and war. However something threatens to disrupt that balance. An assassin has appeared in the Empire. But who is the target? That is less clear. You are hereby recruited to find the assassin and rescue the target. Aardwolf Zoological Park: The Aardwolf Zoological Park is filled with wonderous animals of every sort. Ever wanted to come face to face with the Grendel, or pet the silky soft fur of a chinchilla? Well, now’s your chance. Unfortunately, it’s vacation time for Aardwolf, and all the snotty, platter-faced brats and arrogant, snide teens are out in force at the zoo, and only one of the Zookeepers is doing his job. Head on over to the Manager’s office to see if you can lend a hand! Other Minor Changes: There is a new command called ‘glance’ which is basically the same as ‘look’ but does not show room desc or map. (Cera) Navigators casting doorway can now reach level 200/201 characters. All other checks still apply. Removed lag on ‘page’ when the target is yourself. (Rathik) With spelltags, true seeing was not giving ‘already affect’ tags when you alread have all the detects, making it constantly try to recast. Announce Board aardwolf mudAardwolf speedwalksArisian Realmsfree mudMudmud quests
Quest / Goal system upgrade, more new areas and goals. July 27, 2008 We had a full reboot this evening. The main reason for the reboot was some extensive upgrading done to the goal system. The new ‘tasklog’ system gets the goal interface overall close to where it needs to be. Time to move on and start subclasses again. In the meantime, the… Read More
Updated MUD areas / goals / code – Sept 25th 2008 September 26, 2008 Other MUD changes this reboot – September 25th 2008: The Oracle spell ‘Eye of warning‘ allows a character to detect stealth in an area. It can only be cast by an oracle, not used from potions, but can be cast on others. There is also a recovery. Characters in stealth/stalk… Read More
Skills, spells, PK and goals update – Oct 9th 2008 October 9, 2008 Daze/Stun abilities redo: Daze has been redone. It no longer prevents multicast. Being dazed means your effective skill in ANY skill or spell is reduced. Points of note about these changes are: Daze is bad for skill users as well as spell users. Having equipment to boost a skill %… Read More