New: Oracle, Necromancer, Evoker, Hunter, Navigator subclass abilities. Lasher, August 10, 2008 Subclass skills and spells The subclass project is now moving again. The first group to come in is below. The amount of new abilities each reboot will depend on time available and complexity of individual skills/spells, but you shouldsee steady progress now. Also, don’t assume a group of abilities coming in for a class mean it is considered done. Note: Very abbreviated descriptions. For full information see the helpfiles on individual skills/spells. Navigator: The spell ‘beacon of homecoming‘ creates a beacon in the room that a navigator can return to by casting the ‘homecoming‘ spell. The homecoming spell itself can be used from a norecall room but NOT a prison room. So, you can use a beacon to port into a prison room but not out of one. When a navigator uses homecoming, group members in the room are also transported. This is useful for groups, but also means you should take care when grouping with a navigator as you can never be sure where they will port you to. The spell ‘beacon of light‘ creates a beacon in the room that allows a navigator to find a path to from anywhere in the same area. The path has to be huntable, but otherwise works just like ‘find’. The skill ‘navigate‘ is used by navigators to find the path to their beacon in an area. The syntax is ‘navigate beacon‘. Although this is the only use for navigate right now I may add other things to it later on, so might as well get people used to using the full syntax from the start. The command ‘beacons‘ will show a navigator where their beacons are and the time remaining. There is no recovery on homecoming/navigate, only on actually creating the beacons. Beacons also do not save so quitting / reboots will remove them. Hunter: The hunter subclass has the ability ‘pathfind pet‘. If their pet is in the area, and a path can be reached via hunt, it will be shown. Necromancer: Necromancy is a tricky business, the dead don’t always want to be brought back and often attack their would be master. Over the years a successful necromancer will become well practiced in dispatching the undead back to wherever dead things go. Necromancer has a new attack spell called ‘necrocide‘. This spell is can only be used to harm a mob flagged undead or a vampire, but when used the damage type will always be whatever the target is the most vulnerable to. This not only increases damage, but means the chance of the spell being “saved” is also lower. Necromancer has a new spell called ‘Detect Undead‘. When this spell is up, undead will show in the room with either (U) or (Undead) depending on your flag settings. Evoker: Odins Spear – basically immolate with lightning type damage. Not *all* subclass abilities need to be complex. Oracle: The spell ‘Eye of passage‘ will show which key opens a locked door. It only works on locked doors – even if an open door is usually locked. It does not work in clanhalls and you must be at least the level of the low end of the area range for it to work. The spell ‘Eye of discovery‘ can be cast on self or another target and will display a random unexplored room. It has a 30 minute recovery that is reduced a little by wisdom. There was debate on whether to put these live at all yet. They are hardly going to incite everyone to rush to Oracle, but that doesn’t mean useful little additions can’t be added along the way. Announce Board aardwolfEvokerfree mudHunterMudNavigatorNecromancerOraclePathfinder
New Quests / Game Updates – December 6th 2008. December 6, 2008 It’s been a while since our last reboot due to some “offline” issues consuming available time. Things are moving again now and 7 new goals came live today. There will also a few code changes, skip to the end of the post if you’re only interested in those: The Old… Read More
Aardwolf MUD – New Goals and game updates – Aug 23rd 2008 August 23, 2008August 23, 2008 Important MUD changes this reboot – August 23rd 2008: Auto assisting in PK has been moved out from regular auto assist and there is a new command ‘autopk’ that defaults to off. You need both autoassist flags on to assist in a PK fight. A lot of subclass skills are… Read More
New: Oracle, Hunter, Crafter, Shaman and Avenger Abilities August 23, 2008August 23, 2008 Subclass skills and spells Several new subclass abilities were added this week. Details below: Necromancer: The spells ‘Strike undead‘ and ‘Blast undead‘ are like lower level versions of necrocide – they will always target the mobs lowest resistance and only work against undead. Avenger: The Avenger class has a new… Read More