Chaos Portal rewrite, Navigator and Crafter spells, etc – Aug 15th. Lasher, August 15, 2008 Chaos Portal Changes: When a navigator casts chaos portal, if their first attempt is a continent they will try again. This does not mean they won’t hit a continent room, it’s just a second chance not to. There is no new skill/spell for this, it is just part of the Chaos Portal spell. If a navigator wants the chance to land a continent, they can add the argument ‘continent’ to the cast. Blank chaos portals are now available as a tpspend option for 5 trivia points. The syntax is ‘tpspend bcp’. There are some new types of blank chaos portals. These are random when buying chaos portals with tpspend and when using ‘merge chaos’. They are also rare, and only a navigator can turn them into active CPs.Silver : Impossible to land on a continent, areas only. Still sets ownership. Platinum : Chaos portal has a 50% chance for the target to be the room the navigator is standing in. Does not set ownership. When the room is not the room navigator is standing in, continent room still impossible. Diamond : Chaos portal will always be to the room the navigator is standing in, will always turn into a golden cp and will not set ownership. These are incredibly rare, you may never see one. Then again, you could see one the day after reboot, all down to chance. When using silver and platinum, existing chances for the final CP to be golden are not affected. Ranger – Merge Chaos: Nature is Chaos, Rangers understand Nature. Crafters in particular understand the chaotic nature of certain artificts found within Andolor and can recyle a small amount of magic from those artifacts into a new creation. Basically, the spell ‘Merge chaos’ allows a ranger to combine 5 existing chaos portals into a new blank chaos portal. Extremely powerful rangers may even be able to lower the number of portals required. Great care must be taken when using this spell to make sure you don’t accidentally destroy CPs you don’t intend to. When you cast ‘merge chaos’ the code will check your inventory for 5 unkept chaos portals and list them. If you don’t have enough it will tell you. Study the list carefully and make sure these really are the portals you want to merge, then use the syntax cast ‘merge chaos’ confirm to complete the spell. Other Code – Main Changes: Campaigns: Superheros can now take a new campaign each day. There are some differences between SH campaigns and regular campaigns: There will be more targets to kill. Every now and then, the level range will be completely random and not restricted to SH mobs. The 24 hour timer starts from when you request a cp. So if you take more than a day to finish your current CP, you’ll be able to do another one right away. Pk: By default, a player using area attacks will no longer initiate PK with another player. Once you are in combat, they will work fine. A player should attack someone because they wan’t to, or in response to someone in-range attacking them – not get tricked into attacking massively higher level outlaws / raiders. If you want to make an area attack include ALL targets in the room including potential pk targets, add ‘all’ to the cast – for example ‘cast ultrablast all’ or ‘charge n all’. Spells/Skills modified for this are: Earthquake, Hand of Justice, Ice Storm, Ultrablast, Ice Cloud, Wrath of God, Call Lightning, Death Field, Fire Breath, Fire Rain, Purge, Toxic Cloud, Charge. Goals: Just one new goal this reboot – the infamous Helegear Sea converted by Ariel. Navigator Spell: Navigator has a new spell called ‘timeshifting’. When this spell is up, each time the player’s lag is checked, it has a chance to reduce the lag a little. The overall effect is that they will recover from spellups slightly faster, be able to cast in combat slightly faster, etc. The downside is that the Navigator can only manipulate time once – the ‘timeshift’ dodge does not work while this spell is up. Other: Gamestat 10 shows subclasses of players online, broken out by primary class. Desolation at the high end of stats (>450) is now more powerful. You won’t notice any difference at lower stats. (Cordelia) Increased the base damage on Gaia’s Revenge a little. This was mentioned on general board a few days ago – reconnecting no longer bypasses any skill lag or lag from other commands. It does still clear client-side command queue, nothing I can do about that. Options to the goals command: goals notdone : Shows goals you haven’t completed yet. (Bremen) goals new : Goals you haven’t completed OR opened yet. (Atreidess) For quite a while you have been able to lock/unlock a door if the key for the door had been left in the room by another person. You can now do the same with container. (Tsubaki) Ravi now uses sayto instead of “say” for all feedback. (Cecil) Have renamed the ‘Craftsman’ skill to ‘Crafter’. Mobs in the room can prevent pick lock or bashdoor. This was also happening if the mob was a pet or charmed mob. Now fixed. (Sirene) Most v2 clanskills will now show sfail tags on not known or already affected. Most v1 clanskills that add affects are not actually considered ‘skills’ by the code so there is no skill number to report. These are going to be more complex to change. (Ninja) If you have the identify wish, identifying an item by an means (appraise, bid, etc) will show the full information of the item. (Jaenelle) Announce Board aardwolfMudskillsspells
Aardwolf MUD – New Goals and game updates – Aug 23rd 2008 August 23, 2008August 23, 2008 Important MUD changes this reboot – August 23rd 2008: Auto assisting in PK has been moved out from regular auto assist and there is a new command ‘autopk’ that defaults to off. You need both autoassist flags on to assist in a PK fight. A lot of subclass skills are… Read More
New: Oracle, Hunter, Crafter, Shaman and Avenger Abilities August 23, 2008August 23, 2008 Subclass skills and spells Several new subclass abilities were added this week. Details below: Necromancer: The spells ‘Strike undead‘ and ‘Blast undead‘ are like lower level versions of necrocide – they will always target the mobs lowest resistance and only work against undead. Avenger: The Avenger class has a new… Read More
New: Oracle, Necromancer, Evoker, Hunter, Navigator subclass abilities. August 10, 2008 Subclass skills and spells The subclass project is now moving again. The first group to come in is below. The amount of new abilities each reboot will depend on time available and complexity of individual skills/spells, but you shouldsee steady progress now. Also, don’t assume a group of abilities coming… Read More