Interview for the MUDdy Hobo Lasher, February 24, 2009 I recently did a Question and Answers session with Wes Platt (AKA Brody) for the MUDdy Hobo blog. For those of you that listened to Rezit’s radio interview, there is still some new stuff in here, but not quite as much: Lasher / Aardwolf Interview at MUDdy Hobo MUD News
Adventures in Sendhia and Wildwood February 20, 2011 New Area and Goal – Wildwood: Long ago and far away in the outer reaches of Gelidus a nation of centaurs settled within the cold forest of Koloma. Hidden within a dense forest, the noble creatures strive to maintain their customs and traditions behind a wall of secrecy and illusion…. Read More
Aardwolf Marketplace – Proxy Bidding / Auction Buyouts January 24, 2013 Two major enhancements were added to the Aardwolf marketplace today: Auction buyout amounts: The ability to set a buyout price when listing an item. To set a buyout amount on an item, use the syntax: ‘market sell [item] [type] buyout [buyout amount]’ For example: market sell sword gold buyout 5000000… Read More
Illoria, Infestation and Cougarian Goals. Other Changes. March 14, 2011 Three new quests (goals) where added to Aardwolf this evening: New Goal – Cougarian Queendom: The Cougarian Queendom, tucked in the depths of the Jungle of Verume, has prospered for hundreds of years undiscovered by the outside world. Now that has all changed as the Bengaleen Empire threatens from the… Read More