Aardwolf MUD – Object IDs and Other Changes – Oct 26th 2009 Lasher, October 26, 2009 Primary Stat Changes – Psionicist and Paladin: The Psi primary stat was changed because, for a single class psi trying to use their spells, int makes the most sense. That was the perspective in mind when the change was made. If someone on the test port had pointed out the affect on 7* remorts balancing out their stats (hint hint), it might not have come in at all, but it did. Anyway, the primary stat on Psi is back to Luck. However, primary class psi only also gets +5 int. While we’re at it, primary class paladin also gets +5 CON in addition to their int. This won’t make anyones overall max higher, just help a little on the way up. Unique Object Ids now fully implemented: Each item in Aardwolf has a unique id number that is shown in identify. The id number is also shown in the ‘invdetails’ command. Every object manipulation command in Aardwolf can use this id instead of the object name. For example, once you have the object id you can use ‘get ‘ or ‘put ‘. This id number exists to help identify items and manipulate them via client based plugins. Combined with the invdetails, invdata and invmon commands, elaborate inventory management systems can be written. For example, using the id number to know you are targeting a specific instance of an item, drag and drop inventory plug-ins are quite possible. Capturing inventory data with invdetails and client side parsing of the ‘invmon’ tags means you client can know at all times the state of your inventory without having to constantly capture it. These ID numbers will become quite large over time and are really not intended for manual use, but you are welcome to also use them to make aliases based on your favorite portal or whatever else you find them useful for. Limitations: Each ID number is one of a kind, therefore any kind of syntax such as ‘get all.123456’ or ‘drop 2.123456’ will not work. These IDs cannot be abbreviated. A specific ID references a specific item, this is not going to change. Other Changes this reboot: There was a bug in pacify – the wisdom check was basically reversed making it so that it got harder to pacify the more your wisdom went up. This also meant that using pacify with 200 wis was extremely easy and you could pacify almost anything. So, people with higher wisdom will find it easier to pacify now. People with lower wisdom will find it harder. Remember that how hard pacify is to land is based on the number of mobs in the room – lower number of mobs should be easier. Someone with 150-200 wis will have a hard time pacifying a full room of 7 or 8 TOL mobs, but should have a much easier time with 2 or 3 mobs. Undead mobs cannot be pacified, neither can mobs immune to magic or mental damage – this has always been the case. The max value of ‘train cost ‘ has been increased from 5000 to 10000. Pass without trace was not giving fail tags if you were already sneaking. Only someone using ‘spellup’ tags would be affected by this. Same fix was also made to heighten senses. You can now send tells to yourself. Some of the checks are a little weird as all I’ve done is remove the code blocking it, so you’ll be talking to yourself in third person etc. This was done so people can send themselves messages they want to see in history without having to spam their group tell. The other advantage to this is that any unseen tells are posted to you in a personal note if the mud reboots or you time out. Fixed a number of issues with ‘explored’ that should resolve issues with players having > 100% explored on continents after area moves. Users connected from mxit should now be counted under ‘South Africa’ when using the ‘domains’ command. Fixed a number of places where telopts was incorrect when using MUD telnet negotiation to drive client plugins. For example, if you did sleep, then AFK, then came out of AFK, it would tell the client you were active and standing but you’re not because you’re still sleeping. Same issue with paging, note mode, logging or reconnecting while asleep, etc. There might be more, just report them as they come up if necessary. MUD News
Aardwolf Area Updates – Oct 26th 2009. October 26, 2009 New Area and Goal – Warrior’s Training Camp: Warrior: One who lives for combat and the thrill of battle. Warriors! You are cordially invited to become students of the Warrior’s Training Camp (WTC). Registration is required. The camp offers classes in every type of weapon used by an accomplished warrior…. Read More
Oracle Class Additions – 5 new Abilities. December 17, 2023December 19, 2023 There are several new abilities for the Oracle subclass in this reboot. Full details are below: New Passive Ability – Foresight: With their heightened intuition and divinatory powers, the Oracle can anticipate and better respond to the actions of their enemies. Foresight allows the Oracle to predict how an opponent… Read More
Races: Human, Halfling, Sprite, Triton, Wolfen and Vampire July 27, 2024 The last updated races were added today, details for each race are below: Human: Humans are still the basic race with no resistances or no stat cost modifiers but we did add something to make them a bit more interesting. This is from ‘help human’: “Questmasters across the land favor… Read More