Lasertag Overhaul – November 22nd 2009. Lasher, November 22, 2009 Lasertag Overhaul: With this reboot, lasertag has had a fairly significant overhaul. The most important change is the lasertag area itself. It is now a random maze and different each game. By maze I mean a “real” maze that maps logically, not the type of random maze we have in other areas. The area is actually a 15*15 ‘perfect’ maze with 25 additional random walls knocked down to make the area easier to navigate. The green and red base rooms will still always be in the center of the maze to the left and right respectively. If you want to see a few examples of the random mazes converted to images, check out: Lasertag Maze Images Other Lasertag Changes: You will no longer see other players or decoys on the automap. If less than two people join a lasertag game, it will be automatically cancelled once the prepare timer is up. It is impossible to ‘win’ the lasertag game with a negative or zero total score. If nobody scores over zero, nobody gets the top prize or the ‘top scorer’ increase on their laser stats. The sorting of who wins if two people have the same score is: – highest number of hits for. If they are equal: – lowest number of times hit. If they are equal: – lowest number of decoys used. If they are equal: – random. It is also not possible to get 5qp for being on the winning team unless your score is positive. A negative score is no contribution to the team, so no reward. The cost of a miss (not a misfire) is now -1 score, not -2. This will make it easier to finish the game with a positive score as long as you are actually trying to play the game. The cost to move is now 1 charge instead of 2. You cannot shoot while you are in the lasertag penalty box. When players join lasertag, they will be put into a ‘holding room’. Teams will only be assigned when the game actually starts. There is a ‘laser status’ option that shows the current lasertag status. To be consistent with warfare, the command ‘laserstatus’ is a global alias to it. When the top scorer has a score higher than 50, they will have a small (roughly 20%) chance to also win a trivia point. When someone joins the lasertag game, it will now show on the laserinfo channel. MUD News
Aardwolf MUD Update – July 30th 2009 July 30, 2009 Four new goals seems to have become our standard, same in this update: New Goal and extension of Soulblade: The legendary Soulblade was broken and scattered through the sundered lands decades past. Many have sought the shards of the Soulblade, in hopes of harnessing its full power, but all have… Read More
New Skills/Spells for Witch and Blacksmith classes January 27, 2010 Blacksmith Skill- Tempering: A skilled blacksmith can use raw materials at a forge to temporarily increase the abilities of any metal-based weapon. The results of tempering a weapon will depend on the skill of the blacksmith, the quality of the weapon and the ore used. Only the most skilled blacksmith… Read More
Stats now saved across every remort. September 25, 2016September 25, 2016 Major change to save stats across every remort: The way stats are stored across remorts and tiers has changed. Whenever you remort, *all* of your current stats will be saved. When you reach level 201 on your next remort, those stats will be restored. If you do not have a… Read More