Aardwolf MUD Marketplace – Long Term Auction Lasher, January 10, 2010 The Aardwolf Marketplace – Long Term Auction: The Aardwolf Marketplace was added today. This is a special version of auction with items being listed for several days and saving over reboots. The full helpfile is included below: Overview The ‘Aardwolf Marketplace’ is similar to auction but has a number of additional features. The item listings last for up to a week and save over reboots. It is intended to be used for special items where the seller feels that they will get a better price for an item if it is seen by a larger number of players. Syntax: market sell [item] [type] [days] : List an item for sale. market sell [item] [type] showcase : List a showcase item for sale. 'Type' is QP, TP or gold. 'Days' is optional in the range 1-7. (NOTE: selling items for TP is only available to Immortals.) market list : List items for sale. market search [search options] : Search the list of items for sale. See 'help ifilter' for options. market bid [auction #] : See stats of an item. market bid [auction #] amount : Bid on an item. market bid [auction #] history : See bidding history on an item. market [on|off] : Turn market channel on/off. Selling an item: Regular items can be sold for gold at any time. Quest items can be listed for quest points whenever you would normally be able to remort auction them, that is, when you are level 201 and flagged as remorting. To list an item for gold costs a fixed rate of 100k gold and 10% of the final sale price is taken as commission. There are no tier discounts. The commission is capped at 1 million gold. To list an item for QP costs a fixed amount of 50qp. There is no commission taken at the end of the auction period and if the item does not sell it will be returned to you automatically (NOTE: this is true for regular auctions as well as QP auctions). Particularly valuable items can be listed as ‘showcase’ items. Showcase items are automatically posted to the Forsale board when they are added and showcase items will always appear at the top of market list and market search. There is also a market list option to show only showcase items. It costs 1 trivia point to make an auction a showcase listing. There is no way to set a minimum bid when using the marketplace – all auctions start at 1. If you are not confident that your item will fetch a good price, it is better sold manually or listed on the regular auction system. Listing/Bidding on items: Type ‘market list’ to see the list of items for sale. You can also filter the list by level, wear location, item type, etc using ‘market search’. See ‘help ifilter’ for information on how to do this. To see the stats on an item, type ‘market bid ‘, and to actually place a bid use ‘market bid ‘. If you bid on an item selling for QP or TP, you will be asked to confirm your bid. You cannot bid on an item you cannot save with. You can also see the bidding history of an item using: ‘market bid history’. Note: Your bid is charged at the time of bidding. If you are outbid your bid will be refunded automatically. This will happen even if you are offline at the time. If an item receives a bid within 10 minutes of closing, its time will be reset to 10 minutes. End of auction: At the end of a marketplace auction, the seller and the highest bidder at that time will receive a note on the personal board stating that the bidding is complete. The item is transferred to the buyer and the bid amount (minus any commission) is transferred to the seller. Neither character has to be online for this to happen and if buyer or seller no longer exist, the other side of the transaction will still completed. MUD News
Keepall now free, Potential features added, new goals. November 27, 2010 Keepall wish removed: The ‘keepall’ wish has been removed. Everyone can now save equipment regardless of level. If you had the keepall wish, it has been removed from your character and the keepall wish base cost of 7,000 qp plus your current adjustment cost (minus 350 for keepall itself) has… Read More
Ranger / Shaman Changes. August 15, 2020 New Ranger Spell – Gaias Totem: There is a new spell called ‘Gaias Totem’ that allows a Shaman to summon a totem into the room. There’s quite a lot to this spell so lots of detail below. There are three types of totem: Ent : Reduces damage taken when you… Read More
Three new goals, clan merge, other changes. September 2, 2018 New Area and Goal – Ookushka Garrison: Long ago, when the Tairayden tribe first attacked innocent beach goers, one person decided to try to take action against them, hunt them down and get revenge for their horrible actions and crimes against humanity. Since then, she was able to locate the… Read More