Elemental Chaos area/quest – other code changes. Lasher, January 15, 2010 New Area and Goal – Elemental Chaos: For centuries the Dra’ork have tried to create the perfect element by harnessing the mayhem and destructive powers of the elements, however, they have failed. The Loud’ra on the other hand have tried to create the perfect element by using the elements in harmony and peacefully. Yet, they too, have failed. Even the Master of the Elements can’t seem to get it right. Maybe if someone was able to learn each technique and combine them the perfect element could at last be created. Other code changes this update: Default listing period for marketplace is now 2 days. You can still manually set the time to 1-7 days when listing the item. The ‘colorset colors’ command now shows the actual color codes next to the output. There is now a ‘group’ option to ‘who’ – it will show people in the same group as you. You are always in your own group. Using ‘lbid item #’ to see stats on an item in the marketplace will now show time remaining on that auction. (Voldemort). Also tidied up the output at the bottom of ‘lbid item#’ a little. The syntax ‘lbid sellers’ shows an abbreviated market list, but showing the name of the seller and last bidder on each type. The limt of 3 items at a time on the marketplace will now ignore showcase items (Wereturtle) and auctions for qp. The amount of experience taken by a pet while in combat has been lowered significantly. It is less than half what it was. The ‘prison’ area has been removed from the game. MUD News
Gnolls Quarry, Relinquished Tombs, Other Changes July 14, 2012 New Area – Gnoll’s Quarry: For generations, the lords and kings of Mesolar have sought out the stone cut from the Mesolarian Quarry. Known for its superior stone, master craftsmen and fair prices, this quarry has provided the rock that built many of the towns and castles of Mesolar. Run… Read More
Humility spell, classchange cost reductions, other changes. January 31, 2012 Code changes and enhancements in the Jan 31st 2012 reboot: There is a new Martyr ability called ‘humility‘. This spell allows a Martyr to humble themselves before the gods, appearing weaker than they really are. The outcome is that monsters killed while a Martyr is affected by humility will reward… Read More
New Elementalist Spells, multiple other changes. November 21, 2010 Elementalist Spells: Three new elementalist spells were added this reboot: Earthen Hammer Air Skewer Ice Daggers Each of these is a higher level attack spell doing the damage type implied by the spell name. Other Changes: Couple of other changes that made it into this update: Each clan can now… Read More