New Subclass Abilities for Martyr, Enchanter and Oracle. Lasher, January 15, 2010 Martyr Spell – Serenity A martyr is able to create an aura of serenity around their entire group for a short period of time. This aura is so calming that an enraged attacker will find their anger is ineffective against the target. This spell will not affect berserkers in the casters own group. The strength of this spell, the duration of the affect, and the recovery time are all based primarily on the caster’s wisdom, and to a lesser degree, luck. Martyr Spell – Sacrifice Life: A martyr is able to sacrifice their life for the benefit of others in their group. Martyrs should use this spell carefully, if the healing needs of the group are higher than their own health, they can be left on the verge of death. The amount a martyr can heal is based on their wisdom. An extremely wise martyr can fully heal either their entire group, assuming they have enough health to sacrifice. Martyr Spell – Heavenly Smiting: The martyr, with complete disregard for their own safety, is able to call upon the fury of their god to smite an entire room. Such is the fury of their god that it takes all of a martyrs focus to avoid hitting friendly characters in their room, leaving the caster themselves also vulnerable to this attack. Enchanter Spell – Enchanters Focus: A member of the enchanter subclass is able to increase their concentraton while performing some types of enchantment. While their enchantment is more focused, the caster may be unsatisfied with the results of solidfying, resonating or illuminating a piece of equipment and automatically choose not to set the hum, glow or invisibile flags. This effectively allows them to try again. This spell will also add a small amount of intelligence, wisdom and luck to the caster, further increasing their ability to enchant. Note that this spell does not affect other types of enchantment with more cumulative results, and has no affect on items that cannot receive bonus stats such as keys and trivia portals. This spell uses the Augmentation recovery, with the time determined by the casters intelligence and wisdom. Oracle Spell – Focused Vision: An Oracle is able to channel their advanced perception into a focused vision. This focused vision allows the Oracle to glance at a room full of characters and identify targets personally assigned to them. This spell does not affect global quest targets and only works when in the same room as a target. Campaign mobs assigned to the caster will be shown with [CP] after their names. MUD News
Server Move, Classchange Costs, Info channel redo, epic deaths, other. January 28, 2017 Aardwolf Server Move: Aardwolf moved to a new server tonight – the domains should update shortly but the new I/P address is The domain ‘’ can be used to reach the server immediately as DNS on that was updated weeks ago. Other than a general technology refresh this server… Read More
Umari’s Castle, Atlantis, Shadows of Minos, Slaughter House March 26, 2010 New Area and Goal – Umari’s Castle: High in the mountains sits a castle. It is here that the wizard Umari studies and works his magic. Oh, he has no need for company, for the griffons he so loves wander about his castle. Yet, he has found them far too… Read More
Sageood Grove, more damage output changes. August 28, 2013 Sagewood Grove – New Area Replacing Mossflower Wood: The Sagewood Grove is home to nature’s dryads, and they live there still. However, the woods are filled with resources that others seek to take advantage of, notably the Greenleaf soldiers. Although the Greenleaf soldiers have not been hostile, they still seek… Read More