New Skills/Spells for Witch and Blacksmith classes Lasher, January 27, 2010 Blacksmith Skill- Tempering: A skilled blacksmith can use raw materials at a forge to temporarily increase the abilities of any metal-based weapon. The results of tempering a weapon will depend on the skill of the blacksmith, the quality of the weapon and the ore used. Only the most skilled blacksmith can temper the highest quality weapons. There are no level restrictions, but a combined strength and dexterity of 4 times the combined hitroll/damroll on a weapon is required in order to temper it. Your stats determine whether or not you can temper an item and the duration of the effect, but don’t actually determine the strength of the effect. More powerful weapons will get more average damage increase and may get additional effects – depending on the quality of ore used. You can not harm a weapon by failing to ‘temper’ it. Basic low-grade and high-grade ore can be found at the forge in Aylor (‘runto forge’). Other types of ore of varying quality may be found throughout Andolor. Note that only items of type ‘raw material – ore’ can be used for tempering. Other items might look like they could be used, but if they are not this type, they are not suitable for use at the forge. Witch Spell – Petrify Petrify is a spell available to the Witch subclass which can cause their enemy to become partly petrified. While petrified, the victim will find their weapon attacks ineffective. The strength of the petrification is determined by the attacker’s intelligence, wisdom and luck versus that of their opponent. The strength of the petrification, the duration of the effect and the recovery are all based primarily on intelligence, with wisdom and luck also playing a part. Witch Spell – Hex of Entropy: The witch Hex of Entropy causes their victim to feel weaker with the strength of the spell increasing over time. The longer a target is affected by this hex, the weaker they become. The duration of this spell (and therefore its power) is based on Intelligence and, to a lesser degree, Wisdom. The recovery time is exactly twice the duration of the spell. Witch Spell – Hex of Misfortune: The Witch’s Hex of Misfortune causes their victim to feel unlucky, with the strength of the spell increasing over time. The longer a target is affected by this hex, the more unlucky they become. The duration of this spell (and therefore its power) is based on Intelligence and, to a lesser degree, Wisdom. The recovery time is exactly twice the duration of the spell. Witch Spell – Curse of Sloth: A Witch’s Curse of Sloth makes the victim feel sluggish and temporarily unable to move. The spell holds the target to the spot in a manner similar to web. The strength of the curse is determined by the caster’s intelligence, wisdom and luck versus that of their opponent. The end result is that a cursed target will find it easier to escape from a single room than a webbed target, but is easier to track down as their subsequent movements / recall attempts are much more likely to fail. There is no known cure for the Witch’s Curse of Sloth as regular curse removal abilities are ineffective against it. MUD News
New Blindmode color codes, Automatic note formatting. February 17, 2024 New color codes to support VI / Blind users: There are some new color codes that support blindmode. Anything between @A and @E will not be shown to users with blindmode on. Anything between @F and @H will only be shown to users with blindmode on. These new codes will… Read More
Exp per level reduction, Setwanted Changes. July 20, 2014 Experience per Level reductions across the tiers: Made a pretty big change to experience to level across the tiers. Experience per level is generally lower – the biggest differences will be seen at the low-mid tier range. The new and old tables are shown below. This gives a much more… Read More
Weather Observatory, Nanjiki Ruins and Olde Worlde Carnivale Goals July 16, 2010 New Area and Goal – The Weather Observatory: In the mountains of Gelidus near the Elfin Bay there is a Weather Observatory. The Weather Observatory serves two major purposes. It provides a learning environment for young weather beings. Sometimes a small cloud may arrive and from its time here decide… Read More