Campaign change, Newbie channel update, other changes. Lasher, March 26, 2010 Additional changes made to Aardwolf MUD in the 26th March 2010 reboot: When using ‘campaign check’ to see which targets you have left to kill, if no instances of that mob exist in the game it will show in red with. ‘Dead’ at the end of the area/room name. This lets you know not to bother hunting for that mob right now, there’s none alive. Purposely did not make the same change to gquest. If more than 10 minutes pass without a global quest target being killed, the quest will automatically end at the next tick. The timer for this can be seen in ‘gquest info’ labeled ‘inactivity timer’. The telnet handling in Aardwolf has been completely redone this reboot. Everything should be ok, but if you notice any strangeness in handling telnet options, particular with MCCP or the Aardwolf ‘telopts’, please let me know. If a map in a room can’t be drawn because the room is nomap, nothing was being drawn at all. This works fine for the main game screen, but for clients putting the map into another window – that window would never get updated. If you have maptags on, the map will still be drawn in those rooms but will draw blank, which means scripts capturing the map off to another window will now also work correctly. There is a new flag called ‘noauction’ that prevents an item from being sold via regular auction or marketplace, and also prevents it from being sold to a shopkeeper. We will set this flag on any manor item or similar that even remotely looks like it could mislead other players into believing it is something else. Not going to endlessly debate whether changing one more character makes it ‘different enough to be allowed’ — if theres any doubt the flag will be set. The ‘mobdeaths’ command now shows up to 100 mobs when used depending on how much data is available. The conditions for access to the newbie channel have changed – all players on their first remort can now access the newbie channel, unless they reach 300 hours online before remorting. Suddenly cutting them off past level 50 just doesn’t make sense, there is still so much more to learn. While this will put an additional load on the helper and advisor teams, we would also appeal to more experienced players level 50+ who will now have access to the newbie channel again to jump in and offer help of their own – nobody remembers what it’s like to really be new to Aard better than those who only just left the channel. Fixed a bug with ‘examine’ used on a container while blind giving a double message. Fixed a couple of bugs in ‘telopts’ – correct status was not being sent when coming out of AFK mode or when coming out of node mode. Fixed a buggy ‘flay’ message when target is immune. The old lasertag area has now been removed. Shouldn’t affect anything but worth a few games of lasertag to confirm. There is a new market option – adding ‘bylevel’ to lbid / market list will sort the list of market items by level. MUD News
T9 redo cost change, timeshifting upgrade, other changes. November 3, 2013 Game updates in this reboot: The ‘eqsearch’ command will no longer hide an item if you cannot see it. It will now display with (Invis) next to the name. The ‘Arcane Source’ item will now always add damroll when solidifying, there is no way to use this item to add… Read More
Disenchant / Radiance Woods / Other Updates December 19, 2015 Disenchant Feature: Items that have solidify, illuminate or resonate cast on them after this reboot will have the stats the came from each enchant stored on the item. Using this data, there is a new ‘disenchant’ feature that allows you to remove a specific enchant on an item to try… Read More
Clan Raiding Change, Dice on Channels, Other Updates. February 5, 2011 List of changes made to Aardwolf MUD on Feb 5th 2011: The way in which defenders are checked on entering a clanhall has been changed. Note 276, 277 and 286 on the raiding board have more info, but basically the change is that the number of defender timeout slots in… Read More