Equipment ‘compare’ command and scoring system. Lasher, April 24, 2010 There is a new ‘compare’ command that allows you to compare different pieces of equipment to see which is better. The idea of having a ‘compare’ command to compare two pieces of equipment is not a new one, and a simple compare that shows which object has the most stats or the most damage is easy enough, but of limited use. What determines whether one item is ‘better’ than another will vary based on the player and the stats they want to focus on. Because of this, the compare is based on a scoring system in which you allocate how many points each stat is worth to you. The “score” of an item is then based on those settings. To see the points assigned to each stat, type ‘compare set‘. Use the syntax ‘compare set [stat]] [score]‘ to change how many points are allocated to each stat, or ‘compare set defaults‘ to reset the score to the default amounts. The default settings are based on your primary class, with slightly higher points given to primary stats for your class. An example of the ‘compare set’ output is below: To see a detailed breakdown of how the score is calculated for a single item, use ‘compare [item1] detail‘. To compare two items, use ‘compare [item1] [item2]‘. You can compare items that use different wear locations but will receive a warning as these items are not considered replacements for each other. Using compare to find better equipment: Use ‘compare [item] all‘ to compare an item in your inventory with all similar items in your inventory. Use ‘compare [wear loc]‘ to see check an item you are already wearing with all other equipment in your inventory. Type ‘wearable’ to see a list of individual wear locations for your race. Use ‘compare [item]‘ to compare an item in your inventory with similar items already worn. Each of these three options is sorted in order of score to help identify which items you are carrying are the “best”. Here is an example of comparing a worn belt to other items in inventory: As the compare feature is implemented more fully, you will see options to filter auction lists, shop inventory, etc by items with a particular score or items considered “better” based on your compare settings. MUD News
Dusk Valley, Vistells, T3 Hardcore, Other Changes July 25, 2015 New Area and Goal – Dust Valley: Early in its history, the Eldar race mistrusted outside races and sought the privacy of its own kind. A small group of Eldars had searched for quite some time and had happened upon Dusk Valley where they organized a town. The town featured… Read More
Mastery redo, combat skill enhancements, other. August 11, 2011 Some other changes made in today’s reboot. The most important are the redo for masteries and the skills modified to continue unused hits on the next target. Skills converted to that subsequent hits roll over to the next target: Hammer, Sweep, Spiral, Circle, Bodycheck, Headbutt, Kick, Flay, Lash, Warcry, Bash… Read More
Mud Update March 31st 2018 September 2, 2018 MUD Update – March 31st 2018: The main reason for the reboot today was to merge Dominion into Retribution. A few other minor changes that made it in with the reboot but nothing really that important: The bug with OPK flag sometimes getting confused with the Augmented healing recovery should… Read More