While playing Aardwolf as a new user things move along quite nicely until around level 70 or so, at which point there starts to be a big slowdown. After looking at the game balance in this level range, we have made a few changes. Combined with the equipment finding commands added during the last update, we hope these changes make the game a little more enjoyable for newer players and the faster leveling speed benefits everyone.
Mob Hit Points:
The amount of HP that mobs have has been lowered for most levels above level 60 You can see the old vs new chart at:

Very high level mobs haven’t changed much, but most of the other mobs on the way up have.
Weapon Average Damage:
The amount of damage allowed on game load weapons has been increased at most level ranges. If you use game-load weapons you might want to consider acquiring new versions. The old vs new chart can be seen at:

As you can see, this flattens out the curve and allows for a decent increase while still leaving a large gap between game load and aard weapons.