Mount Dunoir and Wedded Bliss Quests (Goals) Lasher, June 5, 2010 New Goal – Mount Dunoir (formerly Shayol Gul): The evil and powerful mage Bhazhat from his prison collects and resurrects minions of evil in an attempt to escape from his centuries of imprisonment and rule the world. Can Cheoj and his allies prevent such an event from happening? Can you help them before it is too late? Level Range : 200+ Goal Difficulty : Difficult Goal Recommended at : 201 Goal Converter : Paramore & Zafirah Author : Zafirah New Goal – Wedded Bliss: A typical everything-must-be-perfect wedding you ask? Just show the bride how unhappy the guests are, and she’ll shriek even harder! But she wants a perfect wedding with a not-so-perfect husband, and maybe you should help. She’ll learn her lesson… Level Range : 80 to 100 Goal Difficulty : Easy Goal Recommended at : Level 85 Goal Converter : Tikuranari Area Author : Windjammer & Jaenelle MUD News free mudfree rpgmmomount dunoirMudquestrpgshayol ghul
Aardwolf MUD Code changes and New Goals – August 9th. August 10, 2008 Important MUD changes this reboot: Gold on hand, bank accounts, clan donated/taxed amounts and clan account themselves can now be over 2 billion. The limit is 50 billion, which can also be easily increased if needed. Entering an argument after ‘inventory’ will filter the list displayed to only items where… Read More
The Witches of Omen Tor and Black Rose Goals June 6, 2011 The Witches of Omen Tor: Four witches rule the land of Omen Tor. They are sisters, born of the same omnipotent mother, Aethel, who released them upon the world at the beginning of time. Omen Tor is a land of many facets, influenced by each of the witches in ways… Read More
Global Quest Rewrite for Multiple Tracks July 25, 2015July 25, 2015 Global Quest Rewrite: There are now multiple gquest cycles – the existing set of gquests that anyone can join, a cycle only for people who have won 10 gquests or less and a cycle for tier 0 only. It is quite possible (and likely) for gquests to overlap and, at… Read More