Weather Observatory, Nanjiki Ruins and Olde Worlde Carnivale Goals Lasher, July 16, 2010 New Area and Goal – The Weather Observatory: In the mountains of Gelidus near the Elfin Bay there is a Weather Observatory. The Weather Observatory serves two major purposes. It provides a learning environment for young weather beings. Sometimes a small cloud may arrive and from its time here decide it wants to be a rainbow instead. The other purpose is to provide a place where those interested in weather can come to observe weather more easily than in the field. There are a few things that the observatory staff could use some help completing. Level Range : 20 to 40 Goal Difficulty : Medium Goal Recommended at : Level 25 (for low tiers) Goal Converter : Zafirah Area Author : Zafirah New Goal – Nanjiki Ruins: Deep in the heart of the Amazonian rainforest lies an ancient ruin, ravaged by the winds of time. It is said that a once powerful race dwelled there, before some event felled their civilisation and regressed its members to a much more primitive form. Not much is known about when or why – some say a spell gone catastrophically wrong, others theorise a virulent plague. One thing is for sure though, rumours are starting to spread about endless riches and treasures found hidden in the ruins, and the explorers and looters have started to flock in search of the ancient civilisation’s wonders. Not much is to be found above the surface, but some have dared to venture beneath, where strange creatures teem. Might you be the one with the luck and pluck, to discover the secrets untold? Level Range : 140 to 160 Goal Difficulty : Medium Goal Recommended at : Level 160 Goal Converter : Redryn Area Author : Kahr New Goal – Olde Worlde Carnivale: PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT*THE CARNIVALE IS IN TOWN! Rejoice my friends for now you have relief from those long dull days of watching the buffalo roam and bandits wander. Forget your troubles and put all thoughts of those back taxes aside, for now is the time for merriment and laughter. There is something for everyone. Try your hand at whittle, play quarters in the bar, get your fortune told. Simply have a fun day at the Carnivale! Level range : 1 - 35 Goal Difficulty : Easy Goal recommended at : Level 10 Goal Converter : Zarifah and Justme Area Author : Zendalonii MUD News aardwolffree mudfree rpgmmoMudmud codingmud questsrpg
Free instinct/mastery rebuilds, Psi Upgrades, Other July 20, 2013February 17, 2014 Were Wood – New Goal: Once these woods were a magical paradise, full of creatures and filled with the songs of birds and other animals. But one day a werewolf appeared in the woods and the creatures started disappearing. Were creatures took over the woods, and all that remain are… Read More
Aardwolf Mushclient R1040 now released. June 15, 2011June 15, 2011 A new version of the Aardwolf version of Mushclient managed by Fiendish has been uploaded to There are many enhancements in this upgrade. We recommend reading the Aardwolf Mud client release notes for full details. A summary of the most important changes is below: A revamped bigmap plugin that… Read More
New Bandit, Ninja, Mindflayey abilities. Combat spell upgrades. July 9, 2011 Amnesia – New Mindflayer Spell: There is a new mindflayer ability called ‘amnesia’ that allows the mindflayer to target a single ability on the victim and make the target forget, or partly forget, that skill/spell. The syntax is: cast amnesia [skill or spell] target. Target is optional if you are… Read More