New Elementalist Spells, multiple other changes. Lasher, November 21, 2010 Elementalist Spells: Three new elementalist spells were added this reboot: Earthen Hammer Air Skewer Ice Daggers Each of these is a higher level attack spell doing the damage type implied by the spell name. Other Changes: Couple of other changes that made it into this update: Each clan can now have a separate message when suiciding. Unlike the other clan messages, this one uses the same codes as socials so can contain things like $e for ‘he’, $m for ‘himself’, $d for the clan deity name, etc. See ‘help new social’ for a list of these. For example: $n curses $d as $e kills $mself. Becomes (for Lasher): INFO: Lasher curses Ivar as he kills himself. Only the lower case version is available for suicide msgs as there is no ‘other’ char. Will modify other clan event messages to work this way once this one is more tested and settled. The ‘aliases’ command now includes a count. Bug Fixes: Fairly large number of minor fixes and updates added this reboot: When using ‘eqsearch ‘ the code that displays currently worn items and their score was broken. Now fixed. A group must have at least one visible character, a name like just @@w is no longer allowed. ‘Vote list’ will no longer be misaligned when the vote description contains colors. You can no longer challenge someone who is ignoring you. The new group auto messages now have channel tags where appropriate. Experience gained from double exp was not counting towards a group total experience gained. Now fixed. Because of a bug with visibility, you were able to scan into a dark and see the mobs even though you wouldn’t be able to see them if you were in that room. The opposite was also true – if you were in a dark room you wouldn’t be able to scan and see mobs in a room next to you, even though that room is bright. This might have other effects in various commands as the check is now whether the room of the _target_ is dark rather than your own room. Obviously none of this matters if you can see in the dark. Most GMCP channels should show pretitles now if the receiver has pretitles on. Please post those that do not, but make sure the regular channel does show them too – not all of them do by design. GMCP channels should now correctly show while in note mode and/or the editor. Pacify with no mobs in the room did not give any message at all. Now fixed. GMCP vitals messages will no longer be sent after movement if no move points were used (no stats changed). Aylor is the best place to see this as movement there has zero cost. The ‘where’ command will no longer have broken spacing when a mob name has colors in it. MUD News
New Blindmode color codes, Automatic note formatting. February 17, 2024 New color codes to support VI / Blind users: There are some new color codes that support blindmode. Anything between @A and @E will not be shown to users with blindmode on. Anything between @F and @H will only be shown to users with blindmode on. These new codes will… Read More
Free Classchange, Many spell changes, instinct additions. June 25, 2013 Free Classchange: The free classchange flag has been reset on everyone. This will last until you either use it or retier. It does not stack with previous free class changes. Only exception is if you have never changed class before you will still have your initial free class change after… Read More
Spellcaster boost, new areas, campaign changes. March 10, 2013 New Area Conversion – Thandel’s Conflict: A brave rock climber has recently discovered a new realm not far the Jungles of Verume. Surprised he was the first to visit the new land, he decided to explore as much as he could. That was a big mistake. After discovering two separate… Read More