Aardwolf Mud Client – New version of Mushclient in test. Lasher, December 1, 2010December 18, 2010 Aardwolf MUD clients – New version of Mushclient in test It’s been a long time since the Aardwolf Mushclient package was updated and we now have a new version available for test. This version makes extensive use of Miniwindows and GMCP. It also uses the GMCP mapper and the map is pre-loaded with the continents and a bunch of lower level areas. The miniwindows and the main window can all be dragged around and resized as necessary to suit your screen size and layout preferences. This version does not have an installer program, it is just a zip file that you can unzip to any directory and run from there. You can also unzip it to a flash drive. Unlike the previous version, it will not mess with any existing version of Mushclient on your computer. Click the screenshot for a full-sized version We are currently looking for people to download and try this version out before making it official, particularly if you are using the older version of the Aardwolf Mushclient package. We will be updating the documentation on the website shortly, but using it is pretty easy, particularly if you read the banner displayed when first starting the client. Please post any issues or questions to the tech board. If you are trying the client and have nothing to report, please post anyway just so we know it’s getting looked at. The test client can be downloaded from: http://www.aardwolf.com/downloads/Aardwolf-Mud-Mushclient.zip More information on the GMCP mapper and commands available can be seen at: Aardwolf MUD GMCP Mapper Many people have contributed to the code in these plugins over the last couple of years including Bast, Swalec, Madcatz, Blainer and no doubt lots of other names we’re forgetting. Special thanks also to Fiendish for putting all this together and making it all work in a logical and consistent way, plus making many enhancements of his own. Special thanks also to Nick Gammon of course, both for writing Mushclient in the first place and for the many tweaks he made to help this all work. MUD News
Race Rewrite – Framework and Overview June 22, 2024 Races Rewrite: With this update, Aardwolf we have updated 13 of 19 races for the new race bonus system. Some changes that affect all races are listed below then we will get into an update for each individual race: Sprite and Quickling have been merged to just Sprite – if… Read More
Crynn’s Church, Superhero Campaigns, Other Changes. December 23, 2010 New Superhero Area – Crynn’s Church: Not too long ago, Crynn, a priest of Ayla, lost his faith after being cursed and left to die within Inferno. He was granted a second chance, a chance to redeem himself and start a new era, a better era of a better deity…. Read More
Web / Dissolve Rewrite. May 28, 2013 The web spell has been rewriten and has many changes. Before I get into the details I want to reflect on the state of Aard in general for a while. Somewhere along the line we (I) got reluctant to make these kinds of changes because of the effect it *might*… Read More