New wishes: spellup3 and scholar. Other changes/fixes. Lasher, December 10, 2010 Several other changes went live in today’s reboot, including new wishes: There is a new ‘spellup3‘ wish that has two main affects: Halves the lag on “spellup” skills, when not used in combat. This applies to both success and failure. Halves again the lag on failed casts of spells. You have to have the spellup2 wish before you can buy spellup3. There is a new ‘scholar‘ wish that allows you to practice skills to 85% instead of 75%. There is a ‘potential costs’ option that will show you cost and accumulative cost from 0 through 450. Not adding ‘pot costs ‘ because the time is better spent elsewhere. Have changed the way ‘wear’ (and hold) work when trying to wear or hold a portal/shield. No change to ‘wear all’, but if you specify the exact item using ‘wear portal’ and ‘wear shield’ then a dual wielded weapon @Rwill@w be removed and replaced. Note this applies with portals only if you don’t already have the portal wish. The ‘Zombify’ spell will now give a different message when it fails because the mob is immune to shadow damage type. The duration of the ‘fireproof’ flag cast on objects is now fixed rather than random. There is a new ‘repop’ tag option – now GMCP, just plain old text tags. It has no closing tag, just a 1 line {repop} prefix. It can also be toggled using telnet option 21 (help telopts) for anyone still using that. New who option ‘who consented’ will show people that have given you permission to loot their corpse. Mostly useful for helpers/advisors and people doing CRs. Bug Fixes in this update: Group accept will now work regardless of visibility. You’ll still see “someone” in the message, but will be part of the group. The 25 character limit on group names no longer includes color codes. GMCP will now send ‘worth’ after selling an item back to the store. Recon will no longer fail when it is at 100%. Frenzy and Berserk will now update GMCP Stats. Replacing a weapon with only hr/dr will also do the same. The ‘Cobra Bane’ skill was doing energy damage type instead of poison. Now fixed. MUD News
New Channels, Resist bars redone, other changes. February 20, 2011 List of changes made to Aardwolf MUD on Feb 20th 2011: Game Enhancements: Shield Punch with 1000 weight shield would always daze the target regardless of stats. This has been changed and chances of a shield dazing is now partly based on victim con. The max effective weight that will… Read More
Aardwolf MUD Update – Feb 3rd 2009 February 3, 2009 New Goal – Canyon Memorial Hospital A cold icy trail has been packed into the deep snow through the mountains. Passing through the deep mountains. On your way there you notice odd folk who seem to not belong in this cold frigid wasteland. Passing by the many on the path… Read More
Umari’s Castle, Atlantis, Shadows of Minos, Slaughter House March 26, 2010 New Area and Goal – Umari’s Castle: High in the mountains sits a castle. It is here that the wizard Umari studies and works his magic. Oh, he has no need for company, for the griffons he so loves wander about his castle. Yet, he has found them far too… Read More