Illoria, Infestation and Cougarian Goals. Other Changes. Lasher, March 14, 2011 Three new quests (goals) where added to Aardwolf this evening: New Goal – Cougarian Queendom: The Cougarian Queendom, tucked in the depths of the Jungle of Verume, has prospered for hundreds of years undiscovered by the outside world. Now that has all changed as the Bengaleen Empire threatens from the North. Cowlina, Cougarian Queen must juggle the threats of the Bengaleen while trying to keep the magic-barren pridelands at peace as well. Outsiders have threatened the resolve of her ban on the use of magic. Can magic find its place in Cougaria once again? It may be the only thing that will save it. Level Range : 140 to 160 Goal Difficulty : Medium Goal Recommended at : Level 160 Goal Converter : Whitdjinn Area Author : Whitdjinn Please Note: New visitors to Cougaria are not trusted enough to gain the needed access to save the land. The queen’s trust must first be gained. New Goal – The Infestation: To the north of Aylor lies a small, quaint section of land teeming with wildlife. Many travelers make their way through this small, peaceful area; enjoying their brief time, always making a mental note to come back when they have some spare time to relax. So long as you don’t mind the large insects that have decided to call this little section their home. The ants and the wasps dislike one another with a passion, but they’ve yet to declare war on one another. An amicable agreement, unspoken, resides between the two: Stay away from us, and we’ll stay away from you. However, not all is that peaceful here, for there is an infestation growing in strength that, if left unchecked, could bring about the ruin of such a peaceful plot of land. To one, there are pests overtaking the area, making it their own and killing the populace off. Find the one who needs help and take care of the infestation before it’s too late. Level Range : 5 to 35 Goal Difficulty : Easy Goal Recommended at : Level 25 Goal Converters : Escobar & Paramore Area Authors : Rundvelt New Goal – The Tournament of Illoria: The sun rises over the quiet west. The beginning and start of a brand new day, The crowds come to here from all around, for the Tournament of Illoria is underway. Oh, what sights to see and to behold! The battling of knights so strong and brave, is sure to be a spectacle indeed, So, who’s a champion and who is a knave? And yet, not all is happy and merry, For there are rumors one may hear, The notion of some knights going bad and making mischief has reached my ear. But fret not child, ’tis not to worry, Don’t think on it, don’t look down! Surely nothing bad will happen… For you see, they hired troll guards from a nearby town. So, venture you forth to the grandest of fairs, Watch the knights battle for all the glory! In my heart of hearts, I hope to see you there. Come, play your part in this story. Level Range : 70 to 90 Goal Difficulty : Difficult Goal Recommended at : Level 90 Goal Min Level : Level 60 Goal Converter : Elvendar Area Author : Rayna Other changes in this reboot: A few other changes did make it in this reboot: Translocate now has a message when you use it, displayed just before the room name. (Macbeth). So does Prob Travel/Teleport. You can now use autoassist in warfare. I reserve the right to change it back if I ever remember a good reason for having the restriction in the first place. If a venomist uses spiral on a target that is immune to the damtype, but not immune to poison, the damage done will be substituted for poison. I know this is pretty low impact, I just like it for effect. If you have ‘nospellupspam’ set, you will no longer see other people cancelling their spells unless you are in combat with them. The bug with GMCP and ‘$’ on the trivia channel is now fixed – this should no longer mess up GMCP. Alias keywords can no longer be more than 20 characters long. This only applies to mud-side aliases of course. Fixed a buggy message from cell adjustment when affected by a type of poison it cannot cure. MUD News
Game load equipment bonuses, other changes. January 14, 2018 Equipment Bonuses on Game Load Items: There is new code in the game to randomly add stats to game load items. This feature has a lot more code behind it than simple “add some random stats” and tries to be a lot more intelligent about what stats an item already… Read More
New Elementalist Spells, multiple other changes. November 21, 2010 Elementalist Spells: Three new elementalist spells were added this reboot: Earthen Hammer Air Skewer Ice Daggers Each of these is a higher level attack spell doing the damage type implied by the spell name. Other Changes: Couple of other changes that made it into this update: Each clan can now… Read More
Aardwolf MUD Code changes and New Goals – August 9th. August 10, 2008 Important MUD changes this reboot: Gold on hand, bank accounts, clan donated/taxed amounts and clan account themselves can now be over 2 billion. The limit is 50 billion, which can also be easily increased if needed. Entering an argument after ‘inventory’ will filter the list displayed to only items where… Read More