Mud Damage Tracker Preview. Lasher, March 21, 2011April 7, 2011 Here’s a preview of a new ‘damage tracker’ feature we have been working on. It is currently on the Aardwolf test port: The basic feature will show rounds of combat, hits, misses, damage and relevant averages: If you are wielding two weapons, the stats are broken down by primary and secondary weapon: Test of Faith and Gaias Revenge hits are counted as ‘special’ hits. You can also designate a specific spell to track damage for. In the example below, dtrack was set to monitor immolate: Finally, using ‘dtrack hits’ you can see a more detailed breakdown of each hit type: MUD News
Skills, spells, PK and goals update – Oct 9th 2008 October 9, 2008 Daze/Stun abilities redo: Daze has been redone. It no longer prevents multicast. Being dazed means your effective skill in ANY skill or spell is reduced. Points of note about these changes are: Daze is bad for skill users as well as spell users. Having equipment to boost a skill %… Read More
Instinct feature, MUD damage tracker, multi-command aliases. April 8, 2011 Instinct – Enhanced Training Levels in Skills/Spells: Several new features added in this latest update, the main feature being ‘instinct’. The short version is that instinct allows you to invest gold and trains into an ability to improve it beyond the normal 100% practiced. The full help file is at… Read More
New Skills/Spells for Witch and Blacksmith classes January 27, 2010 Blacksmith Skill- Tempering: A skilled blacksmith can use raw materials at a forge to temporarily increase the abilities of any metal-based weapon. The results of tempering a weapon will depend on the skill of the blacksmith, the quality of the weapon and the ore used. Only the most skilled blacksmith… Read More