Palace of Song, Temple of Shal’indrael and Silver Volcano Lasher, April 8, 2011 Three new goals and a completely new area were added in this update. Details below: The Palace of Song – New Area and Goal: In an ancient grove in Mesolar, a set of ruins exists. Explorers who have accidentally stumbled across these ruins claim that if one is perfectly still and silent, the faint traces of trained voices, grand orchestrations, and even applause can be heard echoing through the area. Odder yet, a few passersby have seen men, women, dwarves, eldar, and other creatures enter this grove in full evening wear, sometimes even with children in tow. These observers have sworn that one minute you see these individuals, and the next they are gone. These stories coincide with unearthed scrolls which tell stories of a Palace of Song, severed from land and time for the pure purpose of the enjoyment of song. These stories tell of the ruler of the Palace, a mirthful and elegant Queen who welcomes all who can join their song in harmony with the resonant melody of the ages. Level Range : 60 to 85 Goal Difficulty : Easy Goal Recommended at : Level 75 Goal Converter : Dreamfyre Area Author : Dreamfyre Temple of Shal’indrael – New Goal: In between the glorious vaults of heaven and the difficulty-wrought paths of the earth the goddess Mercy placed the Temple of Shal’indrael. She and her consort, Grace, created a purification ground for those who wished to find fulfillment in all things. Seekers of balance are ever after its cloudy portal, but few can master the secrets within. Area Level Range : 180 to 201 Goal Difficulty : Medium Goal Recommended at : 201 Goal Minimum Level : 160 Goal Converter : Paramore Area Author : Dominian The Silver Volcano – New Goal: Long ago, an ancient evil was sealed deep with the volcano. but that has all changed. The Balrog has been released from his ancient slumber, and woe be to any who cross his path. But with his reawakening, also comes opportunity. Now there is a chance for you to claim his power for your own. Will you be able to brave the heat of the volcano, and claim this power? Or will you burn like all before. But be warned, those who seek the Balrog’s power with evil in their hearts shall never succeed. Level range : 30 to 100 Goal Difficulty : Medium Goal Recommended at : Level 85 Goal Converter : Raistlin Area Author : Gack MUD News
Knife Fighting, Clan Guard Changes, Second/Third Attack, Others May 14, 2011 Knife Fighting – New Thief Ability: Over time, thieves can become so skilled with their daggers that they are able to execute two attacks in the time it would take others to strike a single time. There is no syntax to this skill – it happens automatically. The primary weapon… Read More
Fractals of the Weave Update. May 3, 2023 Some large updates to Fractals of the Weave were added today: — Major Updates — – A new minigame themed after the Unseelie Court. – A new minigame themed after a battle with corrupted Vorel. – A new minigame themed after caravan defense from desert raiders. – The above games… Read More
Instinct rebuild, note reset, other changes. August 24, 2012 Instinct Rebuild Option: There is now a mechanism in place to rebuild instinct in either a single skill or all at once. The cost is 2% of the trains / gold put into the skill but there is a max charge of 5000 trains / 50m gold when using the… Read More