Aardwolf Mushclient R1040 now released. Lasher, June 15, 2011June 15, 2011 A new version of the Aardwolf version of Mushclient managed by Fiendish has been uploaded to Aardwolf.com. There are many enhancements in this upgrade. We recommend reading the Aardwolf Mud client release notes for full details. A summary of the most important changes is below: A revamped bigmap plugin that will cause a graphical representation of the continents to appear in the mapper window. A new update checker plugin that will automatically check for new releases and give you the option to upgrade. A new ‘checkversion’ command for quickly checking if you have the latest version. Useful if you choose not to enable automatic updating. A new ‘z order’ system for including plugins that let the user choose which windows are on top of others. Right-clickable hyperlinks on URLs in the communication log. The input bar now resizes automatically when you type more than one line. Gmcp mapper backups are now uncompressed by default so should be much faster. Dozens of bugs fixed. A screenshot of the new bigmap plugin. This appears in the GMCP mapper window when you move into a continent: MUD News
Aardwolf MUD Update – Feb 24th 2009 February 24, 2009 New Area and Goal – The Stuff of Shadows: When death looms large; and light grows dim; when the chill air steals the last breaths from your lungs; and eternal night closes in — a shadow of death flickers into being. It is slight and fleeting, its stuff as insubstantial… Read More
New Goals – Lemdagor, Prosper Island, Diatz and Tournament Camps May 14, 2011 Several new goals added this reboot: The Storm Ships of Dem-Lagor: Long ago, a series of volcanic eruptions created a tiny group of islands in the sea of Lem-Dagor. In time, these islands became rich and fertile, and finally, home to a race of sailing folk. In response to the… Read More
New wishes: spellup3 and scholar. Other changes/fixes. December 10, 2010 Several other changes went live in today’s reboot, including new wishes: There is a new ‘spellup3‘ wish that has two main affects: Halves the lag on “spellup” skills, when not used in combat. This applies to both success and failure. Halves again the lag on failed casts of spells. You… Read More