New Bandit, Ninja, Mindflayey abilities. Combat spell upgrades. Lasher, July 9, 2011 Amnesia – New Mindflayer Spell: There is a new mindflayer ability called ‘amnesia’ that allows the mindflayer to target a single ability on the victim and make the target forget, or partly forget, that skill/spell. The syntax is: cast amnesia [skill or spell] target. Target is optional if you are already fighting someone (which is why it comes after the skill name). There is no lag on failure but there is a small recovery time. When used against mobs, there is no additional recovery time. There is a longer recovery time when successful against other players. With this skill who you are fighting is going to play a large factor in what skill you target. If you land the skill with a 50% reduction in (for example) second attack, and the target has 40 instinct in second attack, the outcome will be that they use second attack as if they just had it practiced to 90% and no instinct. Because of this, it is possible to have the affect land over 100%. Quickstab – New Bandit Skill: The Assassin subclass has a skill called ‘quickstab’. This skill sets an affect and has a recovery – both based on a combination dexterity and luck. While this affect is up, the assassin will have a chance to backstab without lag. Ninja Backstab Upgrade: The Ninja subclass now has the ability to backstab while in combat. You can still only backstab a mob once and cannot backstab a mob other than the one you are fighting. The timer that gets set on a target so they can’t be backstabbed again has been reduced to be between 90 and 00 seconds. Was previously 6 to 12 minutes. Combat Spell Enhancements: We have made a change to how combat spells work that should help casters etc in groups. If you have more than one mob attacking you and cast immolate then kill the mob with the first immolate hit, assuming you would have gotten 3 casts, the next 2 will hit the next mob inline so that you get a ‘full’ cast of the spell. This also applies to extra hits from projection. Some of the older spells that do multiple hits but all within a single cast within (balefire, pyromania, etc) and not covered by this ‘rollover’ of hits, and it only applies to spells *for now*. Want to get the code will tested before expanding it to other areas of the MUD. Slow spell rewritten – Pscionicist: The mindflayer ‘slow’ spell has been overhauled. As a reminder, this spell causes the victim to fight without the benefit of any attacks from haste or lightspeed. Most mobs have at least one of these, both at higher levels so, it is well worth landing. There are several changes in the new version: The affect is now a percentage based on the new saves routine (see ‘help newsaves’). If you are affected with 50% slow you will lose 50% of your haste hits. This means it is easier to land than before, but how well it lands can vary based on stats. There is no lag on casting – it has been replaced with a few seconds recovery time. This means that, as with zombify, you don’t have to lose a round of combat trying to land it. The recovery time when used against mobs is gone (other than the few seconds lag replacement mentioned above). The recovery time when used against players is unchanged. The amount of dexterity that ‘slow’ takes away has been increased. Haste is no longer a cure for ‘slow’. At the time of writing this, there isn’t a cure. Other changes in this reboot: Fixed a bug with necrotic touch/poultice not returning resists correctly when used on a third party. Shoplifting will now improve on buying. No need to buy items 1 at a time to force this – if you buy 100 items you will get 100 chances to improve (it improves slowly). Ironfist now has a chance to improve while in use in addition to when first cast. ‘Gq-h’ now does the same thing as ‘gq history’ MUD News
Living Mines of Dak’Tai, The Gathering Horde , Other Changes. February 15, 2010 New Area and Goal – The Living Mines of Dak’tai: To the far north, beyond the vast Hathzor Plains and the terrible Great Desert, lies a remote ogre village. The ‘Tai tribe are fearsome warriors who have grown rich trading the resources buried in the mountains their home is nestled… Read More
New areas, other changes July 15th 2023. July 15, 2023July 15, 2023 We have quite a few other changes in today’s update, details below: New Area and Goal: Svrogan’s Logging Camp: After years at sea, with now tatterred sails and dwindling stores, the call from atop the main mast comes as a shock: “Land ahoy!”. Captain Svrogan and his crew have been… Read More
New Automated Reboots / Ice Age, Other Changes. April 21, 2024April 21, 2024 Race Change Timer / Group Fix: Just a few updates from the reboot last week: The timer for ‘race change’ is now three days. Please note that this change is temporary while we are working on races and will not apply to any timers already in place. Fixed the ‘group’… Read More