Mastery redo, combat skill enhancements, other. Lasher, August 11, 2011 Some other changes made in today’s reboot. The most important are the redo for masteries and the skills modified to continue unused hits on the next target. Skills converted to that subsequent hits roll over to the next target: Hammer, Sweep, Spiral, Circle, Bodycheck, Headbutt, Kick, Flay, Lash, Warcry, Bash There is now a way to redo masteries to put them into other damage types. There is a 2% cost involved but this cost cannot be higher than 4000qp and 50m gold. When you redo masteries, the total cost spent on them goes into new ‘deposited’ values and your masteries are reset to zero. The following new options have been added: mastery totals – shows total spent so far for each mastery type. mastery check – shows tax amount and totals before/after rebuild. mastery rebuild – does the actual rebuild of masteries. Requires a ‘confirm’ option. Using mastery with no arguments will now also show any amounts deposited and when you buy masteries, deposited amounts will be used before onhand qp or gold. To help with rebuilding masteries, there is a new ‘mbuy’ option which allowed you to buy up to 100 points of mastery at a time. Syntax is: mastery mbuy [amount] [damage type] Modified the combat carry over a little. The way combat finds the next target is: Is there another mob in the room hitting me? Is there another mob in the room fighting my group leader? Is there another mob in the room fighting another group member? These last two will now only be checked if you have autoassist on. I believe this is more consistent with what ‘autoassist’ is meant to be. It is now possible to idle out while fighting. No more newbies fighting Barney for a week while linkdead. Fixed the ‘fail’ tags on Ironfist. Socials that have no messages set for others/self will now also give a message when used on channels. MUD News
New area/goal, Paladin spell upgrades, other changes. July 12, 2014 Tribal Origins – New Level 165-190 Area and Goal: In an effort to learn more about the dreaded Tairayden tribe who first made an appearance in Tairayden Peninsula, a wise and adventure seeking warrior decided to seek additional knowledge. He had many questions after freeing the hostages the tribe had… Read More
Tumaris Diner, Damage Changes, Aarchaeology Game August 17, 2013 New Area and Goal – Tumari’s Diner: A new diner has opened up in the world of Andolor, Tumari’s Diner! This large eatery has something for almost everyone. It features a huge dining area for any size family, a lounge for tired workers to grab a beverage after work, and… Read More
New Quests – Killing Fields, Blighted Tundra and Kimr’s Farm August 24, 2010 Area Replacement and Goal – Kimr’s Farm: The once peaceful and vibrant farm has a problem with the local wildlife, particularly the weeds and ants! Visit the owner, Kimr, to see how you may assist him. Level Range : 1 to 5 Goal Difficulty : Easy Goal Recommended at :… Read More