Daily Blessing feature, New area and goals. Lasher, August 21, 2011 Daily Blessing: There is a new feature called ‘daily blessing’. Every 23 hours, you can enter daily prayer’ to get some form of bonus. The most common bonuses will be action oriented (next 50 kills are double exp, etc) but there are also some nice random bonuses that will occur less often and a handful of very rare and valueable bonuses. To see your current timers and any existing daily blessings, just type ‘daily’. We are very excited about this feature because of what we can add to it, rare chances to get some really nice and unique rewards along with the more common daily stuff. I will also be quite likely to add new things in here without announcing them. A note on the double exp part of daily blessing – double exp adds not multiplies. This means that If you kill a mob for 100xp and double is running, you get another 100. If you also have the daily blessing double you get another 100 for 300 exp total, not another 200. A completely new area and new goals in two existing areas were also added today: Tanra’vea – New area and goal: The forest of Tanra’vea is filled with a wondrous beauty, majestic waterfalls, quiet glades and rolling hills. It is also filled with an ancient, twisted evil that dwells deep in the ruins of an old city. Centuries ago, a large meteorite crashed to the earth, creating a cloud of toxic dust that killed or mutated most of the population. The Tanra’veans, guardians of the forest, were wiped out and their city fell to ruin. When the dust settled, the Skreans were born, a bi-pedal race of scavengers who live in a simple village in the forest. A dark and evil presence took up residency deep in the forest, slowly killing the trees and spreading its evil throughout the area. Life bloomed and flourished in the crater left by the meteor, the torn landscape now a flourishing ecosystem separate from that of the nearby forest. The good that the Tanra’veans did over their life span has been erased and forgotten. Once they lived in harmony with the forest in which they made their home, now they are mere shadows of themselves, turned evil. One ghostly girl remains behind, with enough of her spiritual essence present in the now that she almost seems like she stepped out of time. She needs your help to try and set things right in the forest once again. Her intentions are goodly and pure, and through your actions, she may finally find her peace and depart from this world. Level Range : 180 to 201 Goal Difficulty : Medium Goal Recommended at : Level 200 Goal Converters : Rumour & Paramore Area Author : Rumour Fort Terramire – New goals: A rabbit hole, in itself surprising in width and depth, leads to a highly complex and militaristic society of giant hares. These are the bunnies of Fort Terramire, feared for their random and vicious raids on bipeds and quadrapeds alike, taking them as slaves to do their bidding. However, all is not necessarily well within the walls of the Fort, as rumors of treason, rebellion, and dark magic reach the ears of those in command. Level Range : 10 to 35 Goal Difficulty : Medium Goal Recommended at : 25 Goal Converter : Halo & Lumina Area Author : Vladia Artificers Mayhem – New goal: The castle of Fal’Shara was a quiet and happy place. The suddenly artifacts began stirring. Filled with a life of their own, they overran the castle and filled the residents with fear for their lives. Then the princess disappeared, further creating panic. Now the King and Queen are searching for a champion, but so far the champions have been lacking. Will you be that champion? Level Range : 180 to 201 Goal Difficulty : Easy Goal Recommended Level : 200 Goal Converter : Domain Area Author : Korridel Other changes in this reboot: The duration of web when cast on a player by a mob has been lowered. No change to PVP web. Skills and spells will now improve on average around 30% faster. Using ‘to’ in give should work correctly, both for giving items and gold as they use slightly different code. (Fiendish/Khroxas). Using Fiendish’s note from ideas: > give x to -> gives x to “to” > give x to y -> gives x to y > give to y -> gives “to” to y > give to to y -> gives “to” to y The mud currently does not send map or GMCP information in a clan PK room. We considered sending it in non-maze rooms but I think it should be down to each clan whether or not they want their main hall to be mappable. There is now an ‘allowmap’ flag. Clans can add it to their hall rooms free of charge for the time being, please post to ‘upgrades’ as usual. Imms, this flag is ‘allowmap’. MUD News
Campaign change, Newbie channel update, other changes. March 26, 2010 Additional changes made to Aardwolf MUD in the 26th March 2010 reboot: When using ‘campaign check’ to see which targets you have left to kill, if no instances of that mob exist in the game it will show in red with. ‘Dead’ at the end of the area/room name. This… Read More
Aardwolf Mud Client – New version of Mushclient in test. December 1, 2010December 18, 2010 Aardwolf MUD clients – New version of Mushclient in test It’s been a long time since the Aardwolf Mushclient package was updated and we now have a new version available for test. This version makes extensive use of Miniwindows and GMCP. It also uses the GMCP mapper and the map… Read More
Nebulous Horizon area, Terra rewards increased, other changes. December 14, 2012 New Superhero Area – Nebulous Horizon: Intense magical energy destroys your sense of night and day as the warm glow of the sun heats your body yet no source of light exists in the sky. This is Nebulous Horizon – a former refuge for all creatures who put aside their… Read More