Humility spell, classchange cost reductions, other changes. Lasher, January 31, 2012 Code changes and enhancements in the Jan 31st 2012 reboot: There is a new Martyr ability called ‘humility‘. This spell allows a Martyr to humble themselves before the gods, appearing weaker than they really are. The outcome is that monsters killed while a Martyr is affected by humility will reward experience as if the Martyr were several levels lower. The recovery time on this is fixed and the duration increases with additional luck/wisdom. The spell is up 100% of the time at 600/600 stats. The cost of a classchange will now drop by 80qp per day rather than 60 and will reach a new minimum cost of 2,000qps. The duration to reach lowest cost is still 100 days as I don’t see a whole lot of value in making people wait even long. Whenever you can’t enter a room because you are too low level, or it is a helper only room or similar reasons you will now see a message telling you why rather than ‘Alas, you cannot go that way’. Made some changes/fixes to Envenom from bugs reported by Kojiro: A venomist (only) can now envenom a weapon even if it already has the poison flag. The weapon will ‘remember’ it had the flag already and still have the regular version of the flag after the spell expires. The special damage from a venomist using an envenomed weapon is now impossible to parry and restricted to venomist only. It is no longer possible to push a mob into a safe room. When trying to do so you will get a slightly different message. When using runto, a match on a full word in an area name will override a partial match. One obvious example of this is ‘runto aerie’ which will now go straight to Hatchling Aerie instead of picking up ‘faerie’ tales. There might some of your own runto aliases that need cleaning up because of this change. When using ‘board [whatever]’ the [whatever] part can now be a partial match on the start of the board name, so ‘board per’ would work. Object flags in ‘invdata’ will now be in the same orders as in ‘inventory’. Lowered the timeout on assassinate some. Clandonate will no longer announce to the clan for amounts less than 100k. Bug fixes in the Jan 31st 2012 reboot: Once you have completed a goal you will see it in the ‘goals’ command even if it is hidden. Visibility checks have been removed from both the ‘clients’ and the ‘domains’ commands. The ‘remorts’ amount in gmcp.base will now update correctly after remorting. Daily blessing will no longer try to give you stats in which you’re already at the max. Fixed a buggy message using daily blessing area reset. After remorting and being moved to recall, the room is now shown and GMCP updates correctly. It is no longer possible to superero loud using a free superhero when double is already on. Using ‘clanqpdonate’ should now update gmcp worth. The daily ranking note for campaigns completed will now correctly show quest points earned in the period rather than quests completed. Using ‘superhero silent’ when you have a free sh will no longer interrupt any double exp already running. In almost all situations, a mob that is impossible to damage will now also be considered immune to each different damage type for the purposes of ‘saves’. This fixes vampiric touch still giving hp boost / align change against immune mobs and probably clears up a few other minor issues that are technically bugs too. MUD News
New Race Modifiers, Other Changes. April 13, 2024 Gquest Ranges and other Changes: We have changes the way races and stat bonuses work. In additions to the current variations by stat cost, each race can now have plus or minus percentages in each of these categories: Weapon Damage Inflicted Skill Damage Inflicted Spell Damage Inflicted Healing Cast on… Read More
Gquest changes, keys, resistance changes, more. March 30, 2024 Gquest Ranges and other Changes: A few various changes in this reboot: The global quest ranges have been changed to the list below and it is now only possible to be in one group at a time: – Less than 25 wins. – 25 to 199 wins. – 200 wins… Read More
GMCP in Aardwolf MUD July 27, 2010 In a comment on the previous post regarding GMCP and MSDP in muds, I stated that “I do fully reserve the right to turn around in 2 weeks time and declare that I was completely wrong”. Well, this isn’t quite that, but close. After experimenting more with GMCP and MSDP,… Read More