The Wayward Alehouse area, new goals in Hades and Hodgepodge. Lasher, January 31, 2012 New Area – The Wayward Alehouse: Situated in the middle of the Desolate Pridelands of the Dark Continent, Abend, a lonely structure stands out, clashing against the drab grey and brown background. An oasis of sorts, the Wayward Alehouse exists as the sole sign of civilization as far as the eye can see. Though the Pridelands are desolate, as their name would suggest, the land immediately surrounding the Alehouse seems to have failed to notice, as grass sprouts and trees grow. Even from outside, one can easily hear the chatter of dozens of conversations, the roar of merry drinking songs, the boom of the house band directing patrons to dance, and the occasional clinking together of mugs as someone toasts to good health. Truly, the Wayward Alehouse is party central of the Desolate Pridelands. Level Range : 70 to 90 Goal Difficulty : Medium Goal Recommended at : 90 Goal Converter : Accora Area Author : Accora Entrance to Hades – New Goal: The Underworld is the kingdom of the dead, ruled by Hades, the Lord of the Underworld. Life in the underworld is not pleasant. Like a miserable dream, it is a place of shadows with little hope or joy. From the entrance of Hade’s domain , you may cross the river Archeron, but the only way to cross is to pay Cheron, the ferryman, to ferry you. Once across the river, the gates are guarded by Cereberus, a three-headed beast who prevents anyone from escaping. You find yourself standing at an entrance to Hades, but you are unable to enter. It would take your death or the will of a god to grant you entrance into Hades, and you are unprepared for either option. Suddenly you hear a moan nearby, and upon investigating find a wounded warrior. He beseeches you for help. Will you be daunted by his request or will you journey into the depths of the Underworld? Level Range : 190 to 201 Goal Difficulty : Difficult Goal Converter : Domain Area Author : Drakus A Magical Hodgepodge – New Goal: Many moons ago, there was a power. It roams the roads, wanders through town after town, exploring the skies, until it feels itself pulled towards a path. As the power finally reaches the path, it splits in two. Each one choosing a separate fork in the road, but suddenly the two independent powers find themselves drawn back to each other with increasing force. They collide…and suddenly nothing is the same anymore. Where what was magical is now mundane…what was nice is now mean…what welcomed you before is now telling you to go away. You’ll see a hermit with many friends. A hero trying to slay the princess and rescue the dragon…a dilapidated mansion and an elegant shack. The rich will be poor and the poor will be richer than they ever dreamed. And the animals are even more mixed-up a cow that barks? A horse that oinks? You might see these or none at all. The magical mix-up has caused creatures to be invented that have never existed before, and caused others to change… disturbingly so. Are you the savior of the Hodgepodge, that restores the magic before the Hodgepodge disappears? Level Range : 5 to 35 Goal Difficulty : Medium Goal Recommended at : Level 20 Goal Converter : Phalae Area Author : Nalani & Ronnie MUD News
Subclass changes, Paradise Lost Goal, others. September 9, 2023September 9, 2023 Another reboot with lots of updates, most of these are related to subclass changes and, in most cases, these are buffs: Subclass Changes: The effectiveness of Enhanced Damage on melee attacks has been increased fairly significantly for warriors and a smaller amount for thieves, rangers and paladins. The increase is… Read More
Global Quest Rewrite for Multiple Tracks July 25, 2015July 25, 2015 Global Quest Rewrite: There are now multiple gquest cycles – the existing set of gquests that anyone can join, a cycle only for people who have won 10 gquests or less and a cycle for tier 0 only. It is quite possible (and likely) for gquests to overlap and, at… Read More
Daily Blessing feature, New area and goals. August 21, 2011 Daily Blessing: There is a new feature called ‘daily blessing’. Every 23 hours, you can enter daily prayer’ to get some form of bonus. The most common bonuses will be action oriented (next 50 kills are double exp, etc) but there are also some nice random bonuses that will occur… Read More