New Navigator Skill, Multiple Other changes Lasher, March 18, 2012 New Navigator Skill – Bypass: There is a new Navigator ability called ‘bypass’. A navigator can use the command ‘bypass [area]’ – the matching used is the same as that use in ‘runto’. When an area is bypassed it will not be selected for quests or campaigns. You can bypass 2 areas and at 600 int/wis can bypass 3. Once the areas are actually set you don’t have to maintain that 600 int/wis. There is no limit no how often you can change your bypassed areas. Whenever you request a quest or campaign and a target on your bypass list is selected, the chance to skill it will be based on your practiced in the skill. At 100% you should not see your bypass list in quests or campaigns unless no other targets can be found. Other Game Changes: Increased (just a little) a little the minimum number of ‘next quest is double qp’ rewards you can get from daily blessings. Charge damage has been upped, the extra stats that mobs get when they are charged has been reduced and the movement cost is now 100 moves isntead of 250. Primary stat for charge is now int (number of hits and damage) and con (also affects damage). Modified the display of custom exits to always use the longer form. More consistent / easier to read that way. See bugs #11892. Limit on max side/dice usable with the ‘dice’ command in room is now 5,000 to be consistent with using dice over a channel. If a Venomist is using a damage type other than physical and poison, the Necrotic Touch affect will now use that damage type in addition to poison and physical. The code that flags someone as able to gquest will now work if you are link dead. Please don’t abuse this – it is illegal to have multiple characters in the game even if one of them is linkdead. This happens accidentally sometimes, but when it happens ‘accidentally’ people aren’t giving items to their other char or joining gquests etc. GMCP Base now includes number of t9 redos. Using ‘p data’ will now show your regular prompt and battle prompt with and without rawcolors on, unless you already have rawcolors on which will override that. Reduced the recovery on the ‘Safeguard’ skill and halved the lag on ‘rescue’ when used by a Guardian. Tidied up the prompt ‘max length’ code so you get a warning instead of just a truncated prompt. Max length is 80 characters excluding color codes – you can have up to 20 color codes. Bug Fixes in this reboot: Weapon ‘special’ flags (such a poisoned, flaming, etc) were firing on backstab hits which is not suppose to happen. This was causing some buggy backstab messages for Venomist amongst other things. Fixed vampiric touch causing you to ‘aim’ the character the missed the cast. Fixed in-combat backstab message – it was buggy all along, out of combat backstab should have always given the regular message based on weapon type but didn’t. Fixed gq info display to remove that extra period from it. Info powerups should respect the ‘clanonly’ setting now. Fixed a negative tickets message using ‘lottery buy’ when daily blessing tickets took you over max. Fixed say and whisper showing an invisibile character’s name in the GMCP version. Fixed a bug with spells continuing onto a PK target if you have autoassist on, autopk off, and your group leader is fighting another player. Note list will now display the correct amount of text when a note subject has color codes in it. MUD News
Clan Raiding Change, Dice on Channels, Other Updates. February 5, 2011 List of changes made to Aardwolf MUD on Feb 5th 2011: The way in which defenders are checked on entering a clanhall has been changed. Note 276, 277 and 286 on the raiding board have more info, but basically the change is that the number of defender timeout slots in… Read More
Elemental Chaos area/quest – other code changes. January 15, 2010 New Area and Goal – Elemental Chaos: For centuries the Dra’ork have tried to create the perfect element by harnessing the mayhem and destructive powers of the elements, however, they have failed. The Loud’ra on the other hand have tried to create the perfect element by using the elements in… Read More
New Area – Kiskadi Cove, other changes. May 28, 2013 New Area and Goal – Kiskadi Cove: Nestled in the coastal forests of the north there is a cove, once peaceful and thriving with life, that now festers with an unspeakable evil. All are held in its thrall, from the local tribal people to the animal and plant life of… Read More