Blood Opal of Rauko’ra, Sanguine Tavern, Other changes. Lasher, January 24, 2013 New Area Conversion – Blood Opal of Rauko’ra: A small team of adventurers has followed a trail of clues seeking a treasure of antiquity – the Blood Opal of Banderios. It is said that the opal was stolen many eons ago by the vampire king, Rauko’ra the Thirsty and is hidden somewhere in his ancient fortress, the Citadel of Lost Souls. Of the three, the oldest and wisest has traveled the longest continents, following clues to this; the end of his journey. Too old to fight the evil within, he has sent his companions Darien and Ungold to find the gem and bring it out. But they are only two against an army of fiends! How will they succeed? Level Range : 125 to 201 Goal Difficulty : Medium Goal recommended at : Level 170 Goal Min Level : Level 115 Goal Authors : Lumina* Goal Converter : Domain *Original layout and descriptions by Galadriel and Vesse. Note: This area replaces ‘The Fortress of Angband’. New Area Conversion – The Sanguine Tavern: There are many rumours about the mysterious tavern in the alley behind Ivar’s house. There are stories of strange disappearances, evil monsters, strange cults, human sacrifice and many other stories. Who knows what’s true and what’s not. You have to wonder is it worth the risk to find out the truth? Level Range : 120 to 140 Goal Difficulty : Easy Goal Recommended at : Level 140 Goal Converter : Raistlin & Laren Area Author : Raistlin & Laren Note: This area replaces Casino. Other Changes in this Reboot Not ready to pull the trigger on making shopkeepers have endless gold as it only takes one buggy item to break the game that way. However, they will now restore their full repop amount every tick … it was previously 20% of their repop amount per tick. Fixed a bug in shoot always showing the arrow direction as North when more than one room away. With no ‘auction sethigh’ value assigned, auction would only show items up to 15 levels above the level of items you could save under the old rules. Now that everyone has ‘keepall’ this behavior makes no sense and is inconsistent with the command output. The default is now no upper limit on which auctions you see unless you set on auction ‘auction sethigh’. Instinct with no arguments shows the number of trains “available for instinct” at the end. This message now shows how much of that is actual trains on hand and how much is already deposited. Showskill will now show an extra line when you have a skill or spell as a racial ability. Adding the optional parameter ‘silent’ to the spellup command will suppress the ‘Queueing spell…’ messages. When you rescue someone and switch to fight whoever was attacking them, for the purposes of PK and revenge the game will act as if you attacked them. This is in reference to bugs note #12681. I’m still wondering if attacking someone in a group should mean that everyone in the group in the same room gets revenge on you anyway which would make this moot, but at least it is consistent for now. Fixed single class tiers not being able to vote in a ‘remort only’ vote. Also extended the max length of vote options from 40 to 60 characters. MUD News
Equipment ‘compare’ command and scoring system. April 24, 2010 There is a new ‘compare’ command that allows you to compare different pieces of equipment to see which is better. The idea of having a ‘compare’ command to compare two pieces of equipment is not a new one, and a simple compare that shows which object has the most stats… Read More
New Blindmode color codes, Automatic note formatting. February 17, 2024 New color codes to support VI / Blind users: There are some new color codes that support blindmode. Anything between @A and @E will not be shown to users with blindmode on. Anything between @F and @H will only be shown to users with blindmode on. These new codes will… Read More
Living Mines of Dak’Tai, The Gathering Horde , Other Changes. February 15, 2010 New Area and Goal – The Living Mines of Dak’tai: To the far north, beyond the vast Hathzor Plains and the terrible Great Desert, lies a remote ogre village. The ‘Tai tribe are fearsome warriors who have grown rich trading the resources buried in the mountains their home is nestled… Read More