Exp per level reduction, Setwanted Changes. Lasher, July 20, 2014 Experience per Level reductions across the tiers: Made a pretty big change to experience to level across the tiers. Experience per level is generally lower – the biggest differences will be seen at the low-mid tier range. The new and old tables are shown below. This gives a much more even progression without some of the bigger jumps and without that huge wall of all 10k levels at higher tiers. Other Game Changes: Daily Blessings will now always give double exp and at least one double qp quest. Because there is no longer and weighting towards one or the other I have made the double exp mobs reward work even if the player has noexp on. While this might seem counter-intuitive, it gives them the option to get the double exp mobs later with no downside in terms of chances for other bonuses. If you are flagged (WANTED) and killed you will have protectiom from setwanted for 2 hours of real time with the following exceptions: Someone who has revenge on you can still set you wanted. If you setwanted someone else, you lose the protection. The bonus experience that counts up on rare mobs will now save and load over a reboot. Because of different numbers of mob counts before and after reboot it won’t be a perfect match, but close enough. It will also save every hour when the rankings update so if we have a crash rather than a planned reboot, that will be the version that loads. The command to generate the experience tables shown above is now available in the game. Typing ‘exptable’ will show the experience table with your own TNL highlighted in red. MUD News
New Ninja and Barbarian Skills, Hearfriends Command, GQ change, Others. June 6, 2011 Blind Fighting – New Ninja Ability: A significant part of Ninja training involves practicing the art of ‘blind fighting’ – covering their eyes during combat training and learning to fight with their other senses. Whenever a ninja is blinded in combat their blind fighting ability will take over; preserving their… Read More
An Auspicious Star’s Zenith area and new goal in Sanctity of Eternal Damnation. February 17, 2024 New Superhero Area – An Auspicious Star’s Zenith: Note: You can only enter this area if you have less than 25,000 powerups total. Innocent souls have been ensnared within this mystical realm by mischievous faeries. Trapped within the bodies of birds, their untapped potentials are being held captive by the… Read More
Free Classchange, Many spell changes, instinct additions. June 25, 2013 Free Classchange: The free classchange flag has been reset on everyone. This will last until you either use it or retier. It does not stack with previous free class changes. Only exception is if you have never changed class before you will still have your initial free class change after… Read More