The new goals, healtype command, practice full. Lasher, February 22, 2015 Ancient Greece Goal: The Spartan captain has decided to make an appearance in Greece, and is now looking to increase his army by recruiting more Spartan soldiers. This is a rare opportunity for anyone, and will not come easy for those seeking to become one. Expect to not only fight for your title, but to carry out some tough errands for the higher powers in the city. Accomplish all these feats and not only will you be remembered forever in the ancient city, but you will be well rewarded. Level Range : 20 to 50 Goal Difficulty : Difficult Goal Recommended at : Level 50 Goal Author : Rhuli Area Author : Bellerophon Ice Caldera of Mauldroon Goal The Caldera of Mauldoon was formed during a battle between two ancient wizards. Their spells hurled magma from the volcano in blazing fireballs across the sky. They summoned fire demons and ice creatures to do battle. In the end with a final blast of magic, they covered the caldera in a final blast of ice. Their battle had lasted for years and left behind a great frozen wasteland, leaving behind creatures of fire and ice. For centuries, the great working of ice magic had been restrained from spreading its icy fingers beyond the caldera. But now, the balance is weakening before the ever-growing might of Flame. The situation has grown so dire that some of the nearby villagers have taken it upon themselves to appease their god by sacrificing innocents to the Ice Lord, the personified essence of the great spell. For in their fear and desperation, there are no depths to which they are unwilling to sink. In the shadow of a conflict about to violently erupt, you must try to negotiate a peace between two factions that have been warring for countless years lest the entire region devolve into elemental anarchy. Level Range : 190 to 201 Goal Difficulty : Medium Goal Recommended at : Level 190 Goal Converter : Lexos Area Author : Valkur The Monastery Goal Around the peaceful temples of the monastery there has been some dark clouds looming about. It seems as the kingdom is covered in gloom it comes down to a single person whether they know it or not to choose the fate of the world. Level Range : 90 to 120 Goal Difficulty : Easy Goal Recommended at : Level 100 Goal Converter : Hadar Area Author : Trenos Other Game Changes this Update I am testing out combined heal messages using the ‘heal’ and ‘refresh’ spells only for now. When you quaff a heal potion or use a scroll with more than one spell then the output should be combined. This is intentionally only the numbers – messages like ‘You are already fully healed’ are still one at a time. The ‘healtype’ command lets you choose whether totals are shown (the default), the average or a single line per heal which is the same as before this change. There is now an option to ‘practice [skill] full’ which will use as many practices as necessary to get your skill to the highest number you can practice it. If you want to see the cost without actually spending the practices, use ‘practice [skill] full check’. The ‘clandonate’ and ‘clanqpdonate’ commands now have a ‘silent’ option that will remove the message to the rest of the clan. The ‘finger’ and ‘whois’ commands will now show when someone is linkead. Once you reach a point where your total levels gained is no longer your actual level (at remort), ‘score’ will show total levels under the level column. Using ‘quit check’ now shows the specific item ids along with the other information. Fixed buggy message in ‘finger’ when the target does not exist. If a group has more than 10 players in it you will only get GMCP updates every 2 seconds. If it has more than 20 players, every 3 seconds. Although the slower update isn’t always ideal this change will cut down on spam for both the MUD and client side. Using a social to ‘self ‘ (note the extra space) on channels would not work. Many phones add a space after words which is a pain for people trying to play Aardwolf so I fixed this. Probably other places could use the same fix. A new roomflag ‘openhall’ for the open portion of clan halls has been added. This flag doesn’t change any game behavior but will be used to help determine which flags should be checked when reviewing mazes. For example, it will make it possible to check that closed hall rooms all have a PK flag, which will pick up combat mazes at the same time. As these flags are set, imms will not the leaders with which rooms in their hall were flagged as open. Please review these lists to make sure they match your own records. Fixed a bug in Amnesia where if someone cast the spell on you from out of combat you would aim at them even if you were already fighting someone else. Improved (a little) the base chances for Cleave to weaken a shield and increased the minimum duration. ‘Group quit’ or ‘group exit’ now do the same thing as ‘group leave’. MUD News
Combat / Grouping changes. July 30, 2011 Some fairly major enhancements made to how combat works both in groups and when attacking multiple targets. Combat should be much smoother now, unused hits roll over to the next target and assisting is pretty much instant. Full details below. Regular Combat Change: There is a fairly large change to… Read More
New Automated Reboots / Ice Age, Other Changes. April 21, 2024April 21, 2024 Race Change Timer / Group Fix: Just a few updates from the reboot last week: The timer for ‘race change’ is now three days. Please note that this change is temporary while we are working on races and will not apply to any timers already in place. Fixed the ‘group’… Read More
Free instinct/mastery rebuilds, Psi Upgrades, Other July 20, 2013February 17, 2014 Were Wood – New Goal: Once these woods were a magical paradise, full of creatures and filled with the songs of birds and other animals. But one day a werewolf appeared in the woods and the creatures started disappearing. Were creatures took over the woods, and all that remain are… Read More