Imagi’s Nation Area, Other Code Changes. Lasher, August 23, 2015 New Area and Goal – Imagi’s Nation: The Imagi family has been an Andolor residence for decades, never creating a stir or drawing any attention to themselves. This is about to change. They are a loving family, consisting of the Father, Firgovi, the mother, Tolsirle, two children and a family dog, Seeko. Firgovi, jobless and looking for a hobby, decided to start practicing some dark magics. Although his family did not approve, he would have friends over on the weekends to practice his magic in the basement, while the rest of the family sleeps. He practiced one magic most often, sleep control. Now, fully trained in the magics he practiced, he offers something some people have been searching for during their entire life: freedom from a phobia. During the process, he magically puts you to rest on his bed, and you enter a deep sleep like never before. Unlike any other dream you have had, you are able to control this one. Feeling brave? Ready to conquer the fear you’ve had your entire lifetime? Head over to Imagi’s Nation. It will be a trip you’ll never forget. Tell Firgovi you want ‘the works’ for a complete dream-diving experience! Level Range : 140 to 160 Goal Difficulty : Easy Goal Recommended at : Level 150 Goal Converter : Rhuli Area Author : Rhuli Game changes this reboot: There is a new area in the level 140 to 160 range called Imagi’s Nation. This area is by Rhuli and does also have a goal. For more information, see ‘help imagis’. Using ‘gquest progress’ will now show all global quests unless you are in one in which case use ‘gquest progress all’ to see all of them. Made the ‘You have joined’ gquest message match the color that goes with the gquest type. The definition of ‘supernewbie’ used in ‘who sn’ is tier 0 no remorts only. Was never meant to have included characters on later remorts or tiers just passing through that level range. There is a new item flag called ‘nogive’ which means you cannot give an item to others. This also implies you can’t drop it, sell it, auction it, etc. If you die while carrying a nogive item, it will remain with you rather than going to the corpse. Any method found to transfer a nogive item to another player is considered a bug. Adding the ‘inv’ argument to a destroy command will allow it to target an item in your inventory that you cannot drop. New instances of the Abyss sword will work with this (they are no longer nosac), old items will disappear in time anyway but if you really want one removed an imm can do it via ‘oset timer’. Destroy now also requires a ‘confirm’ option to be used. When a status is maxxed you will now see a character next to it in score. Maxxed can mean different things – a “*” means that stat is fully trained and as high as it can go with spell / equip boosts. A ‘+’ means it is has max spell / equip boosts but is not fully trained. When you have noexp on, the ‘You receive 10 experience’ type messages now read ‘You don’t receive 10 experience’. You can turn off ‘You have set your character not to receive experience’ messages using ‘spamreduce noexp’. I didn’t make spamreduce noexp hide the “don’t receive 10 experience” messages too – if you want those gone use ‘spamreduce noexp2’. If you turn both of these off and don’t display prompts then it’s on you to remember you have noexp on. When using ‘brew’, Oracles will have a slightly higher chance of success and when using ‘scribe’, Enchanters will have a higher chance of success. Objects repopping have always been random within +/- 2 levels of their base level. I changed that to +/- 3 levels. There is now a limit of 100 global quest kills per level. After you reach the limit, you can still join and win global quests if you have not hit the limit but will not be rewarded for the individual kills. The counter is reset when you gain a level, remort or retier and does not apply to level 200+. The tracking of kills starts from this reboot so past activity does not count. Using ‘gq check’ will show your kills remaining and it is shown after each gquest kill. MUD News
Shaman and Guardian Update, Other Changes November 11, 2023 Ranger and Guardian Changes: Gaias Focus changes: Can now be cast even if Gaias Revenge is already up. Removed damage types air and water, added energy. Full list of damage types is now Earth, Electric, Energy and Cold. Like Elemental Focus, this Will now remember the last damage type it… Read More
New Blindmode color codes, Automatic note formatting. February 17, 2024 New color codes to support VI / Blind users: There are some new color codes that support blindmode. Anything between @A and @E will not be shown to users with blindmode on. Anything between @F and @H will only be shown to users with blindmode on. These new codes will… Read More
Priest / Martyr Merge + Channel Changes April 9, 2017 Priest / Martyr Subclass Merge: The Martyr and Priest classes have been merged with the subclass skills of the two combined into Priest. If you were a Martyr before this reboot then you should have received a note explaining the change. If you were a Priest before the reboot then… Read More