Vaults and TPenchant Lasher, October 21, 2015 Equipment Vaults: There is a new permant inventory storage option called ‘vaults’. Items in your vault are not considered part of inventory but do save over reboots. This means there is no risk of loss at death, accidentally dropping them on the floor or losing them because a friend holding items for you stopped playing or got themselves deleted. Items in a vault cannot be located by other players but will still show in your own ‘owned’ list if they are owned. Vaults do *not* allow you save anything you wouldn’t normally be able to save and do not get around item timers – something with a timer still has a timer even in a vault. Something you can’t save with should still show in ‘quit check’ as in your vault. You can put containers in the vault but they will take up as many slots as items in the container. Items that already have the ‘kflag’ do not take up vault space so once you have a vault we recommend putting those in there right away for safekeeping. The vaults are intended for longer term storage of collectibles and items you don’t use often and don’t want to keep tracking in inventory. For day to day use or characters just starting out on Aardwolf, you are probably better off with the first couple of ‘pockets’ wishes. You need to be in a bank room to use a vault. It costs 20 trivia points to open your vault with 20 storage items included. You can upgrade your vault up to 50 slots at a cost of 1 trivia point per slot. After that the costs increases to 2 trivia points and increases by 1 trivia point every 50 slots. The main options with the vault command are: vault buy : Create a new player vault. vault upgrade [amt]: Without confirm option will check costs for [amt] slot upgrades or 1 item by default. vault put [items] : Puts items into the vault. [Items] allows usual object syntax such as 'vault put all.sword', etc vault get [items] : Gets items from the vault. Allows all usual 'get' syntax. vault list : Shows items in vault in inventory format. For those using ‘invmon’ there are also new invmon tags 9 and 10 for adding / removing items from the vault. Tpenchant / Other changes in this reboot: There is a new tpenchant option for trivia auras. It costs a single trivia point and will add either a random stat or 1hr/dr. An aura can be tpenchanted up to 10 times max and identify will show how many times an aura has been enchanted so far. If you solidify a weapon before tpenchanting you effectively lose the benefit of solidify because the tpenchant max is still the same. If you wait until your weapon is maxxed then solidify it and get a poor enchant, that isn’t good either after putting so many TP into the weapon. I have changed this so that a weapon with the solidified flag will allow +4 hr / dr more than usual on tpenchant. The +4 number feels like the right amount to make up for a bad enchant while still leaving some value from a full +6 solidify or possibly higher with Arcane Source. Other player’s stats no longer show in ‘whois’ and ‘swho 12’ has been replaced with campaigns won which means that ‘swho 13’ (formerly campaigns) has been removed. Duel info also no longer shows total stats. Total stats are considered a private stat now so if there is a way to see this remaining please post on bugs, thanks. Using ‘gq info [num]’ would not work if you were actually in a gquest as it would always default to the one you’re in. Now fixed. General and Epics board were incorrectly sharing the same flag so you could not unsubscribe one without the other. ‘Unsubscribe epics’ should work fine now. If you already set it you’ll need to set it again and check that your general board setting is what you wanted. MUD News
07/10 – MUD update – new goals, new wish, other changes. July 10, 2008 New Goals and Quests: There are new goals and tasks in the following areas: The Death Gate – Lumina Sirens Oasis Resort – Nikkei Pet Store – Tymme Gallows Hill – Domain Gilda and the Dragon – Citron Island of Lost Time – Citron Faerie Tales 1- Citron Each of… Read More
Mud Clients – 256 Xterm Color Mode April 17, 2011 Syntax : xterm – Turn 256 color mode on/off. color 256 – See a table of the colors. color raw256 – See table of colors with no mud parsing. Aardwolf now supports Xterm 256 color mode. Whether or not you can see Xterm 256 color depends on your client. See… Read More
Androgyne gender, Other changes. May 3, 2023May 3, 2023 Androgyne/Non-Binary Gender, other changes: The main reason for this reboot was to clean up a lot of things with gender. Mostly the messages like “They is dead!” and a lot of the socials. I think some of the clan info messages might still be off until we review them but,… Read More