Stats now saved across every remort. Lasher, September 25, 2016September 25, 2016 Major change to save stats across every remort: The way stats are stored across remorts and tiers has changed. Whenever you remort, *all* of your current stats will be saved. When you reach level 201 on your next remort, those stats will be restored. If you do not have a free rebuild at the time you superhero, you will be given one. This is not a +1, if you already have one then you don’t get another. The goal of this change is to allow someone to do some powerups at level 201, maybe experience a superhero group run or two, and not have those trains or stats be wasted. It will break up the grind rather than having to immediately remort as soon as you hit level 201, or have time spent at SH wasted. It also gives the option to save base stats rather than hp, mana or moves across tiers. If you have saved stats, the ‘stats saved’ command can be used to display them. The next few paragraphs get really into the details and get quite complex. If you don’t understand all this, the basics are that stats are saved across remorts and, when you reach level 201, whichever is higher of your current *total* stats vs your saved *total* stats is restored. It’s hard to mess up unless you remort at level 201, put all your trains into hp/mana/moves then leave yourself with no stats when you reach level 201 next time around – don’t do that! To get into some more of the details, your trains on hand and practices on hand are also restored so there is no way to “double spend” your trains by rebuilding at level 200. The only exception to this is that any trains on hand at the time you superhero that are instinct eligible (previously unspent / not from a rebuild) will get added to the restored trains on hand. Because trains on hand are stored across remorts, the ‘auto instinct deposit at remort / tier’ is no longer necessary and has been removed. If you try to remort with rebuild trains on hand (cannot be saved) then the game will advise you to spend them on stats instead. There is a ‘norestore’ option to superhero that also requires the ‘confirm’ option to be added. Taking the norestore option will mean that your previous stats will NOT be restored and will be overwritten by your current stats when you remort. This is irreversible, there will be no manual pfile edits because someone did not pay attention. The main purpose for this existing at all is if your current stats are close to the stored stats and, for whatever reason, you prefer the current stats. When you superhero, if the total cost of your current stat (in trains) is higher than the total cost of your stored stats, the game will warn you that you might want to consider taking the norestore option to keep your current stats, then will require the ‘confirm’ option either way. This is based on current training costs including wishstats / tierstats. Because I had to calculate these anyway I figured might as well make them visible in a command, so the ‘train totals’ command will show the total train cost from your base stats to your current stats based on current training costs. If you have saved stats, it also shows the same for your saved stats. This is useful to help you decide which set of stats to keep. If you are a tier with previously saved hp/mana/moves or on a t9 redo, those stats will restore the next time you reach SH and from that point on you will be under this new system. MUD News
New Areas and Goals: Empyrean, Marshlands of Agroth and Path of the Believer January 15, 2011 New Area and Goal – Empyrean, Streets of Downfall: In Sarcoph’s empire, all roads eventually lead to the imperial city. Those who survive the journey through the Great Eastern Desert and the foothills of the Demon’s Halo range will lay eyes on the seat of Sarcoph’s power. But the city… Read More
OPK (Open PK) and other changes October 24, 2016 Open PK (OPK) feature added to Aardwolf: There is a new feature called ‘OPK’ which is an abbreviation of ‘open PK’. A player can flag ‘OPK’ at any time but, once set, cannot be removed for at least 3 days or until you remort. When the flag is manually removed,… Read More
Aardwolf MUD Marketplace – Long Term Auction January 10, 2010 The Aardwolf Marketplace – Long Term Auction: The Aardwolf Marketplace was added today. This is a special version of auction with items being listed for several days and saving over reboots. The full helpfile is included below: Overview The ‘Aardwolf Marketplace’ is similar to auction but has a number of… Read More