New Race Modifiers, Other Changes. Lasher, April 13, 2024 Gquest Ranges and other Changes: We have changes the way races and stat bonuses work. In additions to the current variations by stat cost, each race can now have plus or minus percentages in each of these categories: Weapon Damage Inflicted Skill Damage Inflicted Spell Damage Inflicted Healing Cast on Self Healing Cast on Others HP Regen Rate Mana Restoration Self (spells and potions) Mana Regen Rate Move Restoration Self (spells and potions) Moves Regen Rate Exp Gained While Solo Exp Gained in Group Max Hit Points Bonus Max Mana Bonus Max Moves Bonus Most of these are fairly self explanatory. The only ones that probably need further explanation are: Solo Exp Rate / Group Exp Rate – based on group members in the room sharing in the exp at time of mob death. You can be in a group and still earn solo exp if you are solo at the time. Hp / Mana / Moves – does not add to permanent HP and has nothing to do with increases when you gain a level. It is a calculated bonus based on your base HP / mana / moves. This bonus can also take you over the normal hard-max for hp, mana and moves. The regen modifiers have no impact either way in negative regen rooms. We are working through assigning these to the various races but, in the meantime, I have assigned some temporary values to some of the lesser used races so that you can experiment with them: dark-elf, dwarf, elf, giant and halfling. Remember that as of the last reboot you can no change race free of charge every 7 days using raceinfo. Please do note the temporary part, these values will almost definitely change as we work through the full list of races. They are set based on feedback from a group of players so hopefully make sense overall but some of the values added just to make sure we have at least one plus and minus in every category. Resists have also changed for these races to be more impactful, stat costs have not. There is a new race editor where these values can all be changed without a reboot so we can experiment with them and see what works without having to wait for reboots. Other changes related to Races: There is a new section in ‘raceinfo’ to show each of these bonuses. The syntax ‘stats hp’ will show your HP / Mana / Moves total – useful when your race has a bonus or penalty on one of these. The ‘lastkills exp’ command includes an extra column for race exp if your race has an EXP modifier. Raceinfo will now show % signs next to resists when there is a value. Other Changes: Fixed a bug in ‘lastkills’ – it now shows the correct total EXP when double was on. New options in the note editor to help with creating ‘blindmode’ content: .snr : Shows the note with color codes *and* line numbers. .snh : Shows the note in blindmode 0 then blindmode 1. Donation double will no longer run when the MUD is flagged as rebooting. Nothing you can directly see but put in some tools to help imms workthrough the keys / nosave items list. For a general upate on the keys/nosave items – there is a list of almost 1000 items that imms are working through and most keys that that are NOSAVE are getting that flag removed so that they inherit the normal timer. Quite a lot of NOSAVE items that are not keys are tied to goals and these are getting a 5 day timer instead. I don’t know if this area has been done yet, but a good example is all the goal items in Hotel Orlando for example are NOSAVE but will be changed to the 5 day timer. Each item is a separate decision but these are what we are going with unless there are special circumstances. The ‘disband’ command is enabled again. There is some work-in-progress in changing the way the MUD reboots. If we do end up having to reboot to fix a couple of things from this reboot the ice-age message will be different than usual and might not make sense until the whole thing is finished in the next planned reboot. That’s it for this reboot, as I said last time expect generally more frequent reboots with fewer overall changes in each one (although this was a lot, the race code has been ongoing for quite a while). MUD News
Classchange rewrite and instinct / mastery rebuilds July 15, 2023July 15, 2023 Classchange rewrite and instinct / mastery rebuilds: A lot of work and discussion is taking place behind the scenes to improve balance between the subclasses. As part of the changes that are coming, we want to make it much easier to change primary class, masteries and instinct to be able… Read More
Spellup change, pet experience levels, other updates. October 28, 2010 A number of minor changes and updates went live today. The first three are the most important for most players: Pets and charmees no longer have any affect on experience gained for a kill. There is no longer any downside to using them other than having to manage them. Added… Read More
Free Classchange, Many spell changes, instinct additions. June 25, 2013 Free Classchange: The free classchange flag has been reset on everyone. This will last until you either use it or retier. It does not stack with previous free class changes. Only exception is if you have never changed class before you will still have your initial free class change after… Read More