Race Rewrite – Framework and Overview Lasher, June 22, 2024 Races Rewrite: With this update, Aardwolf we have updated 13 of 19 races for the new race bonus system. Some changes that affect all races are listed below then we will get into an update for each individual race: Sprite and Quickling have been merged to just Sprite – if you were a Quickling before you should now be sprite. Lizardman and Ratling have both been merged into Naga which is the new poison race. If you were either of these races, you are now a Naga. Shadow has been renamed to Wraith and is now considered undead. Half-Griffon has been renamed to Gargoyle and become a more tankish race. There is a new ‘Tigran’ feline race aimed towards Solo play. There is a new ‘Ogre’ race similar to Giant but does more damage and takes more damage, kind of the ‘berserker’ race. Programs have been run to convert all existing pfiles affected by this and do update roster so that the new races appear in roster even if players have not logged in. Gamestat 6 data has been archived into the helpfile ‘help gamestat6’ and the data has been reset so that we can see the information for the new races. For any races that now have bonus to damage, exp or resistance in a particular room type, the room name will be prefixed with @C(*)@w when you are in a room where your race bonus is active. There are a few changes to ‘raceinfo’: Raceinfo all is now sorted and highlights only real values rather than a different color per line. A new ‘raceinfo bonuses’ option has been added. This is a very wide table and you may need to adjust your main window size or font size to see it all. If you would prefer to look at a spreadsheet of the races updated so far, they are at: Google Docs – Aardwolf Races 2024 By default, ‘raceinfo’ will show all values even if they are zero. Using ‘raceinfo [race] brief’ if you only want to see lines with values (does not include resists) At the time of this reboot, all racechange timers have been reset so that everyone can try a new race quickly. Helpfiles have been updated where necessary and the helpfiles that recommend a few races for each class in creation have also been updated. Feel free to suggest alternatives, I’m sure it’s not perfect. There are quite a few things we are trying with races that we haven’t done before. You should definitely expect changes to some of these races as we watch them in action and learn what works well, what is OP, and what needs improving or removing. Also, expect more reboots over the next few days. We will need to make fixes. Don’t leave items on your manor floors. The next post lists the changes to each race that has been updated… MUD News
Illoria, Infestation and Cougarian Goals. Other Changes. March 14, 2011 Three new quests (goals) where added to Aardwolf this evening: New Goal – Cougarian Queendom: The Cougarian Queendom, tucked in the depths of the Jungle of Verume, has prospered for hundreds of years undiscovered by the outside world. Now that has all changed as the Bengaleen Empire threatens from the… Read More
Extended Global Quests, Other Changes November 4, 2012 Extended global quests: If a global quest is completed before 5 minutes have passed, and there is someone else still in the global quest, it will be extended by 3 more minutes to give people a chance to get a few extra qp mobs. Gquest info will show that the… Read More
Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly Rankings. Other Game Changes. October 16, 2011 Daily, Weekly, Monthly and Yearly Rankings There are several new sets of rankings on Aardwolf: daily, weekly, monthly and yearly. There is also a new ‘rankings’ board and at the end of each period the winner in each category will be posted to that board. Several new commands and/or options… Read More