Races: Human, Halfling, Sprite, Triton, Wolfen and Vampire Lasher, July 27, 2024 The last updated races were added today, details for each race are below: Human: Humans are still the basic race with no resistances or no stat cost modifiers but we did add something to make them a bit more interesting. This is from ‘help human’: "Questmasters across the land favor recruiting Humans for their willingness to take on any challenge. Humans' ingenuity in overcoming obstacles is invaluable, leading questmasters to offer greater rewards to entice these capable adventurers. Comfortable in the hustle and bustle of cities and towns, the sights, sounds, and cultures of city life energize Humans, allowing them to level up more efficiently among cobblestone streets and bustling markets." In simpler terms, this means: 1QP per quest more for regular quests. Humans do 5% more damage in city rooms. Halfling: Halfling hasn’t changed much – the +skill damage % has been lowered and the weapon/spell penalties have been lowered so weapon/skill/spells are now -5%, +15%, -5%. Keep in mind the the Halfling bonus to skills does include Backstab. The resistances on Halfling are also a little different than before. The only other meaningful change to Halfling is they have a natural affinity for treasure – whenever a Halfling loots (not crafts) a bonusloot item, the bonusloot item rank and stat rolls will be one level higher. For example, if a Halfing rolls a (Polished) item it will become (Enhanced), if they roll a (Radiant) item it will become (Wondrous), etc. This means that you will never actually see Halfling loot “polished” any more. Sprite: As you already know, Sprites are a combination of the previous Sprite race and the Quickling race. As the ‘fastest’ race in the game, Sprites have the following perks: Permanent Haste, Hide, Fly and Invis. Due to their speed, Sprites have Second Attack as any class. Sprites are able to use ‘consume’ to convert corpses into mana. A Timeshifting type passive ability that will make all of their actions about 10% faster. Sprites have no direct skill or spell bonus but the 10% reduction in lag is the equivalent of skill/spell bonus damage and has other benefits. Note that it does not stack with Timeshifting. Also note that anything autoconsume related should also work for sprites now. Triton: Still a relatively basic physical combat race – Triton has the highest weapon+skill damage that doesn’t have a corresponding penalty, but they do also have a vulnerability to most types of magic. Other race abilities and affects are: Permanent Underwater Breathing. Inflict 10% more damage in Water based rooms and regenerate more quickly. Heal much more slowly in Desert areas. Does not need a boat or fly to travel over water. Vampire: Vampire is thematically still the same but has a few changes. They will do 10% more damage when fighting at night, 5% less damage fighting in the daytime and evening is neutral. When vampires consume corpses at night they will receive more HP – the same amount as consume before the nerf. Their full list of perks is: Can consume corpses for HP – receive more at night. Inflict 10% more damage during the night and 5% less during the day. Evening is neutral. Regenerates faster at night, slower during the day, even slower if outside during the day, neutral in the evening / twilight. Permanent Detect Invis, Night Vision, Flying and Intimidate. Vampires take more damage when caught outside during the daytime. Note that for regeneration and the damage inflicted bonuses, inside or outside no longer matters – they regenerate more at night and less during the day regardless of room type. The only time indoors/outdoors matters is for the damage received penalty of 10% if caught outside during the daytime. Room bonus flag: Most races that have a bonus based on room type have a (*) type flag in the room header when their bonus is active. Because their bonus varies based on time of day, Vampire is a little different: (*) It is night time - full bonus in effect. (-) It is day time so damage inflicted and regen is lower. (!) It is day time and you are outside. Bad stuff happens. No flag means it is evening and your attacks/regen are neutral. Wolfen: The Wolfen changes are some of our favorites – it was fun to design this around the two main premises that moons greatly affect wolves and they work better in a pack than solo. The main changes are: Wolves do more or less damage based on how many moons are in the sky: 0 moons : 5% less damage. 1 moon : 5% more damage. 2 moons : 10% more damage. 3 moons : 20% more damage. Wolves are slightly less effective solo (-5% exp) but work far better in a group, especially with a pack of other Wolves. Their group EXP bonus is based on how many other wolves are in the group and is 5% + 2% for each additional wolf in the group up to a max of 15% group EXP bonus. Permanent access to Detect Invis, Night Vision, Sneak and Hunt. As with Vampire, the bonus flag in the room header is slightly different for Wolves and shows how many moons are currently in the sky. This is it for the main redo of races. We will be reviewing some of the earlier race changes and starting to make some adjustments based on what we have seen since they went live but are otherwise now moving back to Subclass balance. MUD News
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