Quest / Goal system upgrade, more new areas and goals. Lasher, July 27, 2008 We had a full reboot this evening. The main reason for the reboot was some extensive upgrading done to the goal system. The new ‘tasklog’ system gets the goal interface overall close to where it needs to be. Time to move on and start subclasses again. In the meantime, the announcements posted in the MUD are: Tasks Command: The goal/task system has been rewritten to help with the problem of keeping track of hints you get at various stages. The ‘tasks’ command now shows a summary of hints as you unlock them, making it much easier to work with. Full details on this can be seen at: Background information on the taskhint system To see the old abbreviated list, use the ‘tasklist’ command instead. Additional new arguments to ‘tasks’ are: tasks : see all open tasks. tasks here : see open tasks in current area. tasks : see open tasks for a goal. tasks all : see all tasks for a goal. tasks : see a single goal task. Goals Command: The ‘goals’ command now shows all visible goals (there are none hidden at time of writing). If the argument to goals exactly matches a goal keyword, you will still get the goal detail page for that goal. Otherwise, new options are: ‘goals open’ : Show only open goals. ‘goals completed’ : Show only completed goals’. ‘goals [from] [to]’ : Filter by level range. ‘goals ‘ : Search based on a name. The default sort is by level, these options can be combined with any of the above: ‘goals … byname’ : Sort by name. ‘goals … byrating’ : Sort by difficulty. The number of goals completed also now shows in score under quest time. 2 new areas were added: Cloud City of Gnomalin: Stories are told of an ancient race of short, stumpy little people who stole children and left gifts. The legend says that they were always about, but hidden from ordinary sight. Over the centuries their population diminished until most thought gnomes were the stuff of fantasy or the imaginary playmates of children. Recently, however, evidence of the existence of gnomes has appeared in the southern reaches of the mesolar. In the midst of a grassy field, a flattened area is sometimes occupied by a huge airship designed and constructed by the gnomes to transfer cargo and visitors to the city held within the clouds above. Quite amazingly, the city seems to hold together just fine, although the wind does cause slight shifts in the walls now and then. Venture forth, then, and brave the flight. The Cloud City of Gnomalin awaits you. Adaldar: Long ago, in the beginning of time, Mannyn the High God swept his hand across his realm, creating two powerful people who were to live in harmony with one another the Elves and the Trolls were born. Mannyn had 2 sons, Aethoryn and the eldest, Gleon. Mannyn, after countless centuries of ruling his domain, began to tire. He wanted to move out and see the world. He finally decided it was time to leave, he placed the control of his lands in the hands of his two sons, and quietly left. It wasn’t long before Gleon (being the Eldest) started to covet his brothers half, he felt that succession should have fallen completely into his hands. Gleon gathered the Trolls and formed them into an army, launching them against the elves. Aethoryn horrified by his brothers actions, quickly united the elvish tribes under one banner, and formed up for defense of the lands and cities. War has raged for countless years, Manynn finally returned to reclaim his kingdom, but instead, he found a battlefield, he visited his sons, and after asking them what had happened, they ignored him, war continuesto rage. The stock areas New Ofcol and Circus were removed. New Ofcol because Gnomalin replaces it, and Circus because it was linked in New Ofcol and the number of people using the area was close to zero. Removing all stock areas is still the plan, with the exception of Descent to Hell and the Underdark. There were both Farside areas which we have permission to continue using. 2 new goals also came in this reboot: The Dwarven Kingdom was redone by Arial to add a nice new low level goal. The Amusement Park is different than most of the goals, it’s just meant to be fun on the rides. Most of the rides/games are also playable after you complete the goals. Both of these goals also have unique rewards that you might not even notice what they are right away … but are very useful in a number of situations. Other Minor Changes: There is a new command called ‘rawcolors’. Turning this on will make the MUD send all output to you with color codes on. Useful for cut/ pasting with color, but I wouldn’t try to play that way. With spelltags, true seeing was not giving ‘already affect’ tags when you alread have all the detects, making it constantly try to recast. Feedback welcome as always. Particularly interesting in your thoughts on the new ‘goals’ and ‘tasks’ commands. I personally found Hotel Orlando and All in a Fayke Day much more fun to go through with the task logs tracking the hints. Announce Board aardwolfadaldargnomalinlua mudMudpuzzlesquests
New: Oracle, Hunter, Crafter, Shaman and Avenger Abilities August 23, 2008August 23, 2008 Subclass skills and spells Several new subclass abilities were added this week. Details below: Necromancer: The spells ‘Strike undead‘ and ‘Blast undead‘ are like lower level versions of necrocide – they will always target the mobs lowest resistance and only work against undead. Avenger: The Avenger class has a new… Read More
Aardwolf MUD – New Goals, priest subclass skill – 5th Sept 2008 September 5, 2008 Important MUD changes this reboot – September 5th 2008: It is now impossible to gain exp while linkdead. Have lowered the cost of reowning a chaos portal from 3tp to 2tp. No reason other than to help the market for them a little now there’s more around. Changed Psi primary… Read More
New: Oracle, Necromancer, Evoker, Hunter, Navigator subclass abilities. August 10, 2008 Subclass skills and spells The subclass project is now moving again. The first group to come in is below. The amount of new abilities each reboot will depend on time available and complexity of individual skills/spells, but you shouldsee steady progress now. Also, don’t assume a group of abilities coming… Read More