Mud Damage Tracker Preview. Lasher, March 21, 2011April 7, 2011 Here’s a preview of a new ‘damage tracker’ feature we have been working on. It is currently on the Aardwolf test port: The basic feature will show rounds of combat, hits, misses, damage and relevant averages: If you are wielding two weapons, the stats are broken down by primary and secondary weapon: Test of Faith and Gaias Revenge hits are counted as ‘special’ hits. You can also designate a specific spell to track damage for. In the example below, dtrack was set to monitor immolate: Finally, using ‘dtrack hits’ you can see a more detailed breakdown of each hit type: MUD News
T9 Redo, Skill Changes, Who Redo, other May 3, 2015 Wasn’t planning to reboot this weekend but will probably not be available next weekend and I wanted to get the T9 TNL change live in particular. We’re about to open up the ‘test raid’ changes on the test port so testers keep a look out for that note. The t9… Read More
Dusk Valley, Vistells, T3 Hardcore, Other Changes July 25, 2015 New Area and Goal – Dust Valley: Early in its history, the Eldar race mistrusted outside races and sought the privacy of its own kind. A small group of Eldars had searched for quite some time and had happened upon Dusk Valley where they organized a town. The town featured… Read More
Stats now saved across every remort. September 25, 2016September 25, 2016 Major change to save stats across every remort: The way stats are stored across remorts and tiers has changed. Whenever you remort, *all* of your current stats will be saved. When you reach level 201 on your next remort, those stats will be restored. If you do not have a… Read More