Invsort Command, Trivia Aura Changes Lasher, May 5, 2012 A few changes that came in with the reboot today: Invsort Command: There is a new command called ‘invsort’ that lets you display you inventory list sorted in a number of ways. Just typing ‘invsort [sortby]’ will sort your main inventory. Typing ‘invsort [container] [sortby]’ will show items in a container. The ‘sortby’ options are: level, wear (wear location), type, name You can also add the ‘nolines’ argument to remove the line breaks. You can’t remove the section headings when sorting by type or wear flags though. Sorting by level will show items levels even if you have noobjlevels on – not much point sorting by level if you can’t see it. When you are sorting by wear location or type, the secondary sort is by level not name. Lots of enhancements we can make to this, just a basic version for now to get the sorting in. Aura of Trivia – New Stats: The aura of trivia now costs 6 trivia points instead of 5, will have some random stats added when purchased, and can be sold back to Ravi for 2 trivia points. Existing auras in the game can also be sold back, but only by their owner. The syntax to sell an aura back is ‘tpspend sell aura’. Other Changes This Reboot: The ‘timeshifting’ navigator effect has been significantly increased to be almost twice as effective as it was. All lag reduction is close to 30%. Note that timeshifting also affects all game “lag”, not just from spells, so all actions with timeshifting up are approx 30% faster. If this has to be toned down later, remember that 15->30->25 is not a “massive nerf”. Using ‘p data’ will no longer add an extra @w at the end of the rawcolor version of each prompt. If you get teleported or change room via any other means while using brandish, you will no longer continue to cast the object spell against the remaining targets in the old room. Mobs attempting to use spiral will now work correctly regardless of whether or not they are using a weapon, but they do far less damage when they don’t have a weapon. When someone tries to use an owned item in a way that would trigger a ‘xxx has your yyy’ message to the owner, it will no longer find a partial match on the owner name. See bugs note #11652 for more info. It should no longer be necessary to use a light to take part in Lasertag – brightness has been set higher on all rooms. MUD News
Superhero stats and other changes. September 23, 2018 Removal of ‘rebuild trains / simplification of rebuild and superhero process: We have removed the ‘rebuild trains’ mechanic from the game. When you rebuild or class change, all stats will now be available for instinct. Any trains you had that were ‘rebuild trains’ before this reboot are now also available… Read More
Free Classchange, Many spell changes, instinct additions. June 25, 2013 Free Classchange: The free classchange flag has been reset on everyone. This will last until you either use it or retier. It does not stack with previous free class changes. Only exception is if you have never changed class before you will still have your initial free class change after… Read More
An Auspicious Star’s Zenith area and new goal in Sanctity of Eternal Damnation. February 17, 2024 New Superhero Area – An Auspicious Star’s Zenith: Note: You can only enter this area if you have less than 25,000 powerups total. Innocent souls have been ensnared within this mystical realm by mischievous faeries. Trapped within the bodies of birds, their untapped potentials are being held captive by the… Read More